How to calculate NPS score and present it in XM Dashboard | XM Community

How to calculate NPS score and present it in XM Dashboard

  • 18 June 2020
  • 2 replies

Userlevel 1

We included an eNPS (employee Net Promoter Score) question in our Employee Engagement Survey, but because EX doesn't have an NPS question type we asked it using a standard multiple choice (single option) question type. However, we want to present the NPS score in the results there a way to set this up in the dashboard so it shows the calculated NPS score in addition to simply showing the promoter/passive/detractor scores using the standard positive/Neutral/negative way of presenting results?
And a product idea would be to include an NPS question type in EX platform as we use eNPS a lot.


Best answer by bmcgrath 18 June 2020, 18:34

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2 replies

Userlevel 2
Badge +3

This should be do-able within the survey flow. Create some embedded data fields (I'll call them npsGroup and npsScore) and branches where if NPS is over 8, npsGroup will equal Promoter and npsScore will equal 100. If NPS is 7 or 8, create a branch and set npsGroup equal to Passive and npsScore equal to 0. And then if NPS is less than 7, create a branch and set npsGroup equal to Detractor and npsScore equal to -100.

Userlevel 1

I worked it out in the end...I realised the Number Chart widget has a Net Promoter Score metric option.

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