Preventing duplicate populating of a contact list through an action. | XM Community

Preventing duplicate populating of a contact list through an action.

  • 29 January 2021
  • 1 reply

Hello all,
I have a survey question in a daily survey that asks if you have received a Covid vaccine. If the answer is yes, I do not want to display the question to the user again. To accomplish this I created an action to add the user to a contact list with embedded data field of "Y" when they answer yes to the vaccine question. I authenticate each user against this list and capture the "Y" data and hide the question based on this. One problem I am having is sometimes it takes a few minutes to update the contact list. If the user happens to take the survey again before the contact list is updated from their first response, it duplicates the entry in the contact list. Then the next time they log in, they receive an authentication error saying the respondent is in the panel multiple times. Then I must manually delete the second entry in the contact list.

Is there a way to not create an additional entry in the contact list action?

Thank You,

1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +22

If it is possible then add all the respondent in that contact list and set the initial value of ED to N or empty. By this way you need to only update the data in contact list and not to add.

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