Best Widget for Rank Questions | XM Community

Best Widget for Rank Questions

  • 16 April 2018
  • 6 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +6
How do other people display the results of Rank question types? I have people rank things from most preferred (recode value =1) to least preferred (recode value = 3), but I am not sure the best way to display the results of this question.

What I have done in the past is do a simple bar chart with 3 count metrics, then filter each one for "when X=1". This shows the number of times X, Y, or Z were selected as the #1 choice. I then repeat for #2 and #3.

While this works, I feel like there _must_ be a better (and more intuitive) way.

Best answer by Matt_Christie_Walker 17 April 2018, 01:44

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6 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +20
Simple bar chart will be simplest and the best way to show the ranking result. However, if possible you can stack them so that it will be nicely presented.

In the field setting, you can create a field group and add all options to it and then in the widget you just have to set that field group as an "Axis". And, in metrics, you can use "top box / bottom box" to show rank 1, 2 and 3.

Userlevel 4
Badge +5
I think showing the average rank of each choice would be nice and might open up some options for you. So in your bar chart, switch from three count metrics to three average metrics (out to two decimals, probably). Just keep in mind the lower the average, the better in your example. I think a horizontal bar chart would be a good choice for that. Or possibly three separate gauges. I mocked up a quick and dirty example and attached it below. I generated test data for a "rank your favorite milkshake flavors question." Real data would probably look better: !
I've just used this one, it looks good!
Userlevel 1
Badge +3

Mohammedali_Rajapakar_Ugam or SarahTA how are you pulling this data into the dashboard? When I try to import the question, i have to add each response option as a separate line item in the dashboard.



Hi gisaac! If you have not yet already, I’d recommend reaching out to the CX Dashboards Support team with this question, as they are best equipped to help answer questions and provide support! :)

I have a set of 12 questions - and people can rank themselves on a level between 1 and 6 - so for each questions I get a result of the ranking - I can get a 5/6 for one and then a 1/6 for another. At the end I want people to know what is their average ranking. Something that will tell them that their total average ranking is a 5/6. I'm not getting that result - I'm getting a percentage - for example instead of 3/6 I get 50%. How can I set this up correctly?

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