Best Practices For Question Numbering | XM Community

Best Practices For Question Numbering

  • 27 November 2017
  • 3 replies

Userlevel 4
Badge +2
What are your best practices for numbering/labeling questions in your surveys? How do you differentiate between rows and columns in your labeling? Is your system consistent across all question types?

3 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +7
We have a consistent naming system, that uses a descriptor. This is important for our work, as we have a database that we push all data to, and being able to query it in a consistent manner across studies is extremely important. We consistently number answer options, and have standard numbers for common options like yes/no/don't know/other/etc.
Userlevel 4
Badge +2
I actually also have a system for naming blocks as well. This way I can keep track of questions and ensure that certain language is included in every survey (disclaimers, etc.). It also helps to systematize embedded data across the board.
Userlevel 2
Badge +10
Most of our surveys are independent entities, but like @KatC we use some standardized block names (e.g. Intro, Consent, Closing, etc.) for content that needs to be included in every survey, and like @AnthonyR, we also use descriptive variable names for each question and consistent numbering for common answer options (Likert scales, yes/no/maybe, etc.) to make data analysis easier and more intuitive.

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