How to convert an array into string and save to an embedded variable. | XM Community
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I am designing a study wherein participants are asked to watch a video and press the spacebar every time the people in the video show “bad behaviour”.

I’ve found some code to do this:

let question = this;

/* hide next button */

/* when the video end, click on next button */
jQuery($('videoPlayer')).on("ended", function() { setTimeout(function () {jQuery('#NextButton').click();},1000); });

document.onkeydown = function(event) {
if (event.which == 32) {
let pressCurnetTime = $('videoPlayer').currentTime /* the time when the subject pressed space */


My question is this: how do I make the time an array and record each time the spacebar is pressed?

Following this, how would I convert the array to a string variable and save it to an embedded data variable? 


Thank you for your help

The code you are using cold be a lot better, but to answer your question…

Initialize an array variable:

let myArray = =];

Add the times to the array:


Join the array into a comma separated string:

let string = myArray.join(",");


The code you are using cold be a lot better, but to answer your question…

Initialize an array variable:

let myArray = =];

Add the times to the array:


Join the array into a comma separated string:

let string = myArray.join(",");


Thank you so, so much for your help. I appreciate it. You've saved me a headache! Just additionally, how would I save the array of the times of each space bar press to an embedded data variable so that I can see them easily? Thanks again

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