Full Record information | XM Community
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When we get responses on our surveys, if the response comes back as passive we can see the full record but the record does not have the client contact information.  If it is a detractor it creates a ticket which has the email and name of the respondent.  Anyone know how i can see who the respondent is if the response does not create a ticket

@Linda Haworth When creating a ticket, you needed to map the client contact information to the ticket. Have you mapped those same field values to the dashboard? If so, you should be able to see the contact information for your passive responses in your dashboard. 

Hi @Linda Haworth, You are not using the personalised link?

@jmborzick  thanks, I assume you mean here - This was all set up by qualtrics for us and I am basically filling in for one of the recipients


I am assuming i would add a text set and then Contact Field and then i should see the name and email address



@Nanditha MM  Hi Nanditha, I am not sure what you mean by personalized link  - I look at the survey link  go down to the area that has the ratings - likely to recommend and click on the three dots - if it created a ticket - great - i have the contact info. If it did not generate an actual ticket - passive then the full record does not have the contact info


I dont usually go to qualtrics but we are missing a manager so i am temp taking over


@Linda Haworth 

check this information for what personal links are Personal Links (qualtrics.com)

@Linda Rubino From the screen in your screenshot, you want to click on “Add Field,” and then click on “Not Mapped.” From there, select the respondent’s name. If you don’t see “contact fields” then click on “Show All” first. 

If the survey was set up where the respondent needed to enter their information directly into the survey, then you would find the respondent’s name in the main area next to the Q1, Q2, etc. 



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