No section for EX lifecycle | XM Community
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In my effort to send questions at the right place, I was searching for an EX lifecycle category in the forum but it doesn’t exists !

I’m pretty sure I’m not the only one interrested by this subject 😋

You are not the only one :)

I think it would be nice to have a separate section for this, as topics and issues might be very different from the Engagement surveys, even if there is a lot of overlapping.

Hi there, @ElieD and @JesperAndersen -- sorry I am late to this thread! Can you please tell me more about this request? What sort of topics do you envision discussing in a potential EX Lifecycle category?

Anything specific to Lifecycle, for example, but not limited to:

  • Integrations to trigger them
  • Automated participants import.
  • Creating additional responses for the same subject

Since Engagement is a huge area, I think it would also benefit from having a more specific focus on Engagement in the Engagement area and Lifecycle in the Lifecycle area.

Thanks for the details, @JesperAndersen! We *are* in the middle of planning a category revamp to make things more streamlined and easily discoverable, so this is a good time to bring this question up.

A search on the Community today brings up approx. 90 posts related to Lifecycle, mostly in the Employee Engagement category linked here.

Do you see a potential Lifecycle category something that spans product lines?

Hope you don’t mind the follow-up questions, just want to make sure we take your. feedback fully into consideration! 😀

Hi @Michael_Cooksey,


I’m fine with the follow up questions :)


While I think that splitting Engagement and Lifecycle up in separate categories is a good idea, I don’t think that splitting Lifecycle up in separate product lines would be a great idea. I think that would be too detailed, and most users would not be able to navigate in that detailed setup, and would end up posting in the general Lifecycle category anyway.


Just my 5 cents ;)

Thanks so much for the additional details, @JesperAndersen -- I will take this idea to the team and we will consider it carefully in our category revamp coming soon! Appreciate the feedback and the idea 💜

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