How to allow "save and finish later" in my survey? | XM Community
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Save and Continue. Allow respondents to save and continue later.
I click this in "Survey Options". But when I preview the survey, there is no such save and finish later option that I can click.

When we click the next button on a page, all the responses of that page gets saved.
In email distribution, this option is enabled by default.
Now by enabling the save and continue option, in anonymous distribution of the survey, if the respondent closes the survey midway and re opens it in the same browser, then the survey starts from where it was left.

I have noted the above posts and also sought confirmation from the Qualtrics phone support team yesterday but I need further advice for a new question. We have a series of lengthy surveys to be completed by study participants at different timepoints. For most of these, we will send a link via the bulk SMS function within Qualtrics via the menu 'Distributions' > 'SMS text messages'. I understand that 'save and finish later' is straightforward in this scenario and the participant can return to where they left off last time by following the same original link provided in the SMS. However, for the first survey, we are recruiting participants via a Qualtrics link presented as a tinyURL address in a facebook advertising campaign. The address for this has been generated within Qualtrics of course at 'Anonymous link' and then translated into a tinyurl. Since the survey is lengthy and we need to ensure a seamless experience, how can I enable participants to save and finish later in this scenario?

Elissa For anonymous links, you can enable allow respondents to finish later. You'll find it in the survey options. But do note that this depends upon browser cookies, so the survey can only be continued in the same browser. If the respondent clears their cookies or has some ad/script blockers enabled, they won't be able to continue. Even if they don't have that, any change in the system, such as time zone or language may force a refersh of the cookie thereby not allowing them to continue.
There are a few ways in which save and continue can be enabled even for anonymous links, such as using a library reference survey or backing up their responses on your prersonal server etc. However, they are a little complicated. And they'll need to be built based on the design of your existing survey and other requirements such as data protection requirements.

I have a survey that uses an anonymous link and I have enabled the "Allow respondents to finish later" feature option. This works as expected if I close the browser window where the survey was originally filled and then open another browser window of the same browser. However, if I close the tab containing the original partially completed survey and then open the same survey link in a new browser tab (without closing the browser window), I am taken back to the beginning of the survey and I cannot see my initial partial results. Does this feature only work if you close the entire browser window but not if you only close the browser tab?


I have a very lengthy survey, that is NOT anonymous, and recipients are wondering if they can save where they left off and continue later. I understand that Qualtrics automatically saves when you hit “next” in the survey, however, recipients are not clicking next and simply closing the page. I would like to know if there is a way the survey can be saved in real time without recipient clicking next to save where they left off? I went to “survey flow” and I do not have the option in my qualtrics for “save and continue”. The next option I have in qualtrics after enabling “back button” is “ allow respondents to finish later” . I have “allow respondents to finish later” enabled but this only works when the recipient clicks next button. Please advice! 

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