Creating heading for each page of the survey | XM Community

Creating heading for each page of the survey

  • 26 January 2024
  • 3 replies

Badge +2


How can I make a heading for each section of the survey? Currently, I only know to use a heading in the survey flow, which shows up on all pages of the survey. But I want to have a different heading for each section of the survey to display for the user. For example, for a teacher application, it shows these titles for two sections of the application: “Demographic information of your class”, “your past experience” etc. 

3 replies

Userlevel 6
Badge +27

Create an embedded data to store the header text. Use this embedded data to create header from the look and feel → General → header. Update the value of this header embedded data in the survey flow before start of the section.

Userlevel 4
Badge +11

Hi @PSabouri,

If you want to add the headers as pictures, you can use this JavaScript in the first question on each page:

This would generate a different picture for each section where you need it.
Userlevel 7
Badge +21

Considering that you are already setting up different pages for the survey, the simplest option would be add a text/html question at the top of each page. Use this as the header to add whatever you want to it.

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