2022 CoreXM Expert Certification - Has anyone passed this recently? | XM Community

2022 CoreXM Expert Certification - Has anyone passed this recently?

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Has anyone recently taken and passed the CoreXM Expert Certification in 2022?
I took the cert exam last Friday and missed passing by a few questions, despite spending a lot of time (couple of months) studying the certification journey courses, quizzes and final project. One major issues I noticed is that the training materials do not keep pace with the Qualtrics platform updates, meaning they are all lagging and outdated. Additionally, I noticed the exam questions did not seem to come from the content found in the practice quizzes or final project, which I assumed would be the focus of the exam. Lastly, at the end of the exam, when I did not pass, there was NO feedback on what I got wrong or how to improve. So, I have no idea where I need to focus and can't afford to invest a bunch of time again and not pass. Anyway, I need this certification for my current job and would appreciate any feedback or study tips from those that have taken the exam recently and passed. FYI: last fall I took and passed the Qualtrics Platform Essentials Certification Journey (L1), but the L2 Expert exam was WAY more difficult for the reasons mentioned above.

18 replies

Userlevel 7
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Hi there, jaesun -- thanks very much for your post. I am sorry to read about some of the frustrations you experienced prepping for the Core XM Expert Certification and the exam itself. I'm very curious to hear what other community members have to say on this, but in the meantime, I will also see if I can find someone internally who might be able to address some of the points you bring up. Thanks in advance for your patience while I do some internal outreach.

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Thanks for looking into this, Michael_Cooksey!
FYI: I mentioned these issues/concerns to my Qualtrics account rep a month or so ago before taking the exam. He did some research, and while he sympathized with my concerns and understood my points, he basically said there is nothing Qualtrics can do. The platform will always be the most up-to-date, followed by the support pages, followed by the certification training materials. So, as a Qualtrics customer, and someone that needs to take and pass this exam, I am paying to take the CoreXM Expert exam, but have to use outdated training materials to study - doesn't seem fair! It would be great to have something like the "XM Professional Certification & Examination Handbook" I found online (see link below) to help prep for the XM Expert exam. This handbook describes the areas of focus and the percent of content that will be on the exam from each area, as well as sample questions.
Anyway, thanks for your help! Hope you can provide some guidance and/or tips to pass this exam. If there are other study materials available, that would be helpful.

Userlevel 7
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Hi again jaesun -- thanks for the follow up! I did reach out to some colleagues internally and they will be in touch soon with guidance and tips for you, as well as to collect feedback from you about your experience. Additionally, Qualtrics is going to offer you a free retake code for your next attempt at the exam.
Hope this helps! Be on the lookout for more from us, and if for some reason you don't hear anything either here or via email, feel free to ping me again here and I will follow up.

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Thanks Michael_Cooksey! I will be on the look out for contact from your colleagues. I appreciate the opportunity to provide feedback on my experience and for your work to get the exam fee waived when I retake it!

Userlevel 2
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jaesun I JUST took the exam last week and ran into the same challenge. What are you doing to prepare yourself for the retake?

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I am blocking time to go through the training materials again. I wasn't able to get any specifics on what I need to focus on or tips to do better, but I was able to provide my feedback to Qualtrics on the shortcomings of this process and their training materials - hopefully, they make improvements. So, I'll be reviewing everything again and hoping for better results next time around - not much else I can do! Good luck!

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Hi jaesun everyone, I am adding my comment on this discussion since I just finished my CustomerXM Exam and I did not pass only for 1 question (67/100).
The important thing is that I totally agree with your concerns jaesun, tmquash01Some questions are not even in the BaseCamp information or guide. Its not fair to put lot of time to practice, study and review the Basecamp info and go to the Exam and find questions that have a level of difficulty that you do not find in the guide. Clearly, in my case one of those questions are the reason of missing the test.
Michael_Cooksey In another discussion on the community I find out that there isn't a way to actually go back and review which questions were right and wrong. Like in every exam, its a matter of rights to be able to revise the exam questions, more over if you are paying a considerable amount of $ to get the certification. I am a current user of Qualtrics for more than one year in my company and I have the essential certification + a considerable amount of hours invested revising the basecamp and doing all the exercises. So there might be an option to do this. Michael_Cooksey
I will try to mention this concerns to our company account rep to see if other people concerns were analyzed to solve this issue, but it seems there is still a clear area to improve, I am really sad to not be able to recommend this certification to other colleagues.
Sorry for the long message and many thanks for your attention.

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https://community.qualtrics.com/XMcommunity/discussion/comment/51472#Comment_51472Hi there! I just directly messaged you 😁

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Hi Michael_Cooksey, hi everyone, I am adding my comment on this discussion since I just finished my Qualtrics Platform Essentials Certification Journey and I did not pass with 64% of score.
many exam questions are not covered in the study material made available or are not detailed compared to what is required in the exam.
In addition, some questions were not detailed by subject so that the available answers 3 out of 4 could be correct but in reality only 1 was correct.
Some questions went very well simply because I worked on that kind of subject and so I learned a lot on the job.
Also for the exam times it is written 1h and 40 but in reality it is 59min to answer 50 questions.
I am really disappointed and I sincerely hope that the material made available will be updated and the questions revised, perhaps providing further details in more detail.
If possible, receive a link with updated material and a voucher to retake the test without having to spend another $ 100 and get the same situation.
Sorry for the long message and many thanks for your attention.


Hi, everyone!  I am joining in on this conversation as well.  I took my exam this morning and didn’t pass with a 68% score.  I agree with everyone else’s comments concerning this certification.  I have been using Qualtrics for years now in my job.  My exam included a question that I truly believe was worded wrong.  There were three possible answers with the way the question was worded that made it very difficult to chose a correct response.  I have rescheduled my exam for Thursday and I am reviewing the curriculum again.  It is a relief to see that I am not alone in having difficulties with this exam.  As a manner of comparison, I passed each section quiz with a 100% and completed the final project.  I feel that the section quizzes for this certification exam don’t match up to the quizzes in the Essentials exam.

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How many attempts do we get to pass the exam? 

Userlevel 6
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How many attempts do we get to pass the exam? 

@Eport. believe all the certifications just come with the one attempt.  Additional attempts come at additional cost. 


@Eport you get one attempt at passing, then you have to pay $100 for each additional attempt

Badge +4

I am getting ready to take the CoreXM Expert exam.


Does anyone know if the issues shared in this thread are still prevalent, or have things improved?


I am getting ready to take the CoreXM Expert exam.


Does anyone know if the issues shared in this thread are still prevalent, or have things improved?


Hi Mark. Did you end up taking the CoreXM Expert exam? Curious what your experience was like. I am preparing for it myself. 

Badge +4

Hi Andy,


Yes, I did take the exam.


I passed without any issues (which was a huge relief).


I found the questions to be fair and straight forward.


I spent a lot of time studying for it, which I am glad I did as many of the questions were very specific and detailed.   Just having a general knowledge of the platform will not be enough to pass.   Knowing/understanding the details is necessary.


I did not notice any issues with questions being incorrect or out of date.


Hope that helps!




Hi Andy,


Yes, I did take the exam.


I passed without any issues (which was a huge relief).


I found the questions to be fair and straight forward.


I spent a lot of time studying for it, which I am glad I did as many of the questions were very specific and detailed.   Just having a general knowledge of the platform will not be enough to pass.   Knowing/understanding the details is necessary.


I did not notice any issues with questions being incorrect or out of date.


Hope that helps!



Hi Mark,


This is incredibly helpful, thank you. I am planning to review all of the information contained in the modules again this week before taking the exam. Thanks again for your reply.




Badge +2

Hi Andy,


Yes, I did take the exam.


I passed without any issues (which was a huge relief).


I found the questions to be fair and straight forward.


I spent a lot of time studying for it, which I am glad I did as many of the questions were very specific and detailed.   Just having a general knowledge of the platform will not be enough to pass.   Knowing/understanding the details is necessary.


I did not notice any issues with questions being incorrect or out of date.


Hope that helps!



Hi Mark,


This is incredibly helpful, thank you. I am planning to review all of the information contained in the modules again this week before taking the exam. Thanks again for your reply.




How did it go, @ASpecht ?

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