How to have randomized numbers and have the numbers saved in the data so we can see them | XM Community

How to have randomized numbers and have the numbers saved in the data so we can see them

  • 24 March 2021
  • 2 replies

Good evening. My group is doing a number recall portion of a memory test and have the randomized integer code setup (${rand://int/100:999} ${rand://int/100:999} ${rand://int/100:999} ) but when looking at the results of the survey, the randomized numbers do not show up so we can't see how many numbers the participants got right. How would we go about having it so we can see the randomized numbers that the participants saw? If we can't figure it out, we will just have static numbers.


Best answer by ahmedA 24 March 2021, 07:19

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Userlevel 7
Badge +21

Store them in an embedded data prior to the question and then pipe that variable.

I'm not even sure how to get that working so I'm going to use static numbers. Thanks though!

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