Need side-by-side dates in same column to be after eachother | XM Community

Need side-by-side dates in same column to be after eachother

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Currently am trying to get dates to be validated in side-by-side formats where entering a MM/DD/YYYY date in the first box of the column is then used as the min date for the next date in the column, and the third box have the min date validation of the second date box, and so on.

Additionally, if there is a second column that acts as the “end date” of the first column, I want the “start date’s” to have a min of the “end date,” and so on.


For example:

Above I’m wanting information to be entered in the “Start date” open entry for Date 1 row. They need to enter an “End date.” For Date 2, I need the “Start date” to have validation to make sure it starts on or after the Date 1 “End date.”

Is this possible? We have JS to validate using cleave just fine, but it’s the using JS to make sure subsequent dates use the previous dates as validation.


Here’s the script we use in the header for columns that coincide with the JS on the question:

Start date<div data-minmax='{"type":"date","min":"01/01/1900","max":"01/01/2024","minerr":"Please enter a date on or after [min].","maxerr":"Please enter a date on or prior to [max].","minequal":true,"maxequal":true, "minarrcond":"max", "maxarrcond":"min"}'></div>

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