End of Survey Response Summary BACK button | XM Community

End of Survey Response Summary BACK button

  • 11 June 2024
  • 2 replies

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Hi there!

I have a survey that is basically two-in-one depending on a specific question that is answered.

I want respondents to view their responses and be able to go back and edit before actually submitting.


Since I have two-in-one, I think I technically need two EOS functions - since I have to include branching with this flow, the back button disappears when the response summary is shown. 


I’ve read that this is due to the branching. Is there anyway to keep the back button, keep the branching, and have 2 EOS depending on respondents selections??


Thanks in advance!


Best answer by Aggarwal 12 June 2024, 00:58

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Userlevel 1
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On last screen you can show response summary by piping data fields and this screen will have back and submit button

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@Aggarwal If I have questions that aren’t answered and I don’t want them to show up on this piped text (summary) page, but I want to leave the option there in case someone does answer, how might i go about doing this?

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