Creating Overall Scores for different blocks and a total | XM Community
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Hi Qualtrics community 🙂
I have a secret shopper survey that i am importing the data into Qualtrics. The survey has aprox 5 buckets of multiple choice questions. Some have N/A as a possibility. I need to calculate a score based on how many possible points are available per block and overall. What is the best method? Each question has a possible score of 2 points. I need to have these scores in a dashboard. Here is an example:
80% (8/10)
1. Was the floor clean? 2/2 Yes
 2. Were displays clean? 2/2 Yes
 3. Were accessory items pulled to the front, with no empty pegs? 0/2 No
 4. Were demo phones working/live? 2/2 Yes
 5. Was the music appropriate and at a good volume? 2/2 Yes
 6. Were there any TVs present in the store and if so, were they turned on? (N/A if none present) 0/0 N/A

You can create different scoring categories with only specific questions included in the scoring for each

I tried but How do I further calculate a score (%) that excludes n/as from possible total points?

Presumebly, you know what the total high score is for each block. You can then create formulas in your survey flow to calculate the %:
% Score 1 = $e { Score 1 / Block 1 High Score }

Thank you , I did that but the high score ranges depending if they pick N/As. Does the $e automatically add the block high score ?

I don't think i can use the survey flow due to the data being imported , correct?

Ah, not sure how to do that then

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