Repeating Survey Questions | XM Community

Repeating Survey Questions

  • 22 April 2024
  • 7 replies

Badge +1

Good day,

I am trying to create a survey which collects information from the user then, before submitting, asks the user if they have additional submissions for the same questions.  It would be preferable, but not necessary, if this additional data created a new record.  Basically, before submitting, I would like to ask the user if they have additional submissions and, if yes, be able to start the survey over again from the beginning.

Any suggestions would be appreciated. 

Thank you in advance.

7 replies

Userlevel 6
Badge +24

Hello @Lisa M,

I would suggest you to try this by using the Loop & Merge feature in Qualtrics. Here's how you can set it up:

  1. Create a Loop & Merge block: In your Survey Flow, add a new block for your questions and then add a Loop & Merge field above this block. Set the number of loops to a large number (like 100) to allow for multiple submissions.

  2. Add your questions to the Loop & Merge block: Move all the questions that you want to repeat into this block.

  3. Ask if the respondent has more data to enter: At the end of the Loop & Merge block, add a question asking the respondent if they have more data to enter. This should be a Yes/No question.

This setup will allow the respondent to enter additional data as many times as they want. Each loop will create a new record in the data set.

For more information of Loop & Merge refer the link: Link

Let me know if this helps.


Badge +1

Thank you very much for your reply.

I am able to create a loop but, for some reason, the loop is not ending when “no” is selected.  I assume this is probably due to the placement of either the Loop & Merge function and/or how I am incorporating the Loop & Merge into the Branching.

Whatever I am doing wrong, I either get a version of an endless loop, a finite number of loops determined by the Loop & Merge, or I somehow break the loop.

What I seem to be unable to do is to connect the loop function with the selection of either yes or no.

Badge +1

Thank you again for your reply as it helped me set up the repeating loop questions.

I discovered what I was missing was the Skip to End logic when the user no longer needed to submit additional answers.

Userlevel 5
Badge +2

Hello @Lisa M,

I would suggest you to try this by using the Loop & Merge feature in Qualtrics. Here's how you can set it up:

  1. Create a Loop & Merge block: In your Survey Flow, add a new block for your questions and then add a Loop & Merge field above this block. Set the number of loops to a large number (like 100) to allow for multiple submissions.

  2. Add your questions to the Loop & Merge block: Move all the questions that you want to repeat into this block.

  3. Ask if the respondent has more data to enter: At the end of the Loop & Merge block, add a question asking the respondent if they have more data to enter. This should be a Yes/No question.

  4. Branch based on the response: After the Loop & Merge block, add a branch that checks if the respondent answered ‘Yes’ to the previous question. If they did, add a Loop & Merge field to the branch to restart the loop. If they answered ‘No’, the survey will continue to the next block or end the survey.

This setup will allow the respondent to enter additional data as many times as they want. Each loop will create a new record in the data set.

For more information of Loop & Merge refer the link: Link

Let me know if this helps.


@Sachin Nandikol , thanks for the detailed response and providing useful resources! Our XM Community Team greatly appreciates it!

Userlevel 7
Badge +27

Another solution that I think is closer to your original requirement is to use the Survey Flow to branch respondents to an End of Survey element that redirects respondents back to the Anonymous link of the survey. This way, each submission will be a new record in your data. Set up your Survey Flow like the below and in the End of Survey element, click 'Override Survey Options', then "Redirect to a URL”, and then add the Anonymous link of the survey to this field.

Also, for the Loop and Merge option, I am a little confused by the described implementation. I don't see a way to implement step 4. Maybe you could elaborate with screen shots?

In the past, I have used the solution described in this thread to allow respondents to exit a Loop & Merge block based on a survey question in the Loop & Merge. It uses JavaScript to set an Embedded Data field inside the loop and uses that Embedded Data field in display logic for every question within the loop.

Badge +1

Good day,

I appreciate the detailed replies and apologize for not responding sooner.  Admittedly, the solution I have now is successfully looping but it is not creating the new record as I would prefer. Regardless of the new record, though, the survey is either continuing or terminating the loop based on the selected response. Unfortunately, my understanding of Embedded Data and JavaScript is none so it will take me more time to add such suggestions to this project.

As you requested, I have included screenshots of what I have now and what I think the problem is evident with my attempt to use the suggested solution above.


Below is what I have now with display logic added so “No Additional Changes” becomes an option after the first loop.  This build successfully loops though does not create a new record.


This below is what I have tried, among other builds, that haven’t been able to successfully loop.

Above is where the loop begins,
with additional questions between then the “Yes/No” question below.



And this is the survey flow for these loops:


This build does not end the loop even when “No” is selected.

That my branch logic is different than the example I was given makes me thinks my problem is related to how I created loop logic but any other build I have tried (such changing logic or moving questions) only caused different looping problems.

I hope the information I have added is helpful as I do appreciate the feedback to my questions.

Thank you again.

Userlevel 7
Badge +27

@Lisa M If you would like to have each submission count as a new response in your data, I recommend not using Loop and Merge but instead using the Survey Flow to redirect respondents back to the Anonymous Link of your survey if they have another submission. See my screen shot. Also be sure to "Customize" the End of Survey element so that it overrides the default End of Survey settings and redirects these respondents back to the Anonymous Link URL.

If you would like to have all of the submissions contained within a single response, Loop and Merge will do this, but the Survey Flow will not allow respondents to exit the Loop and Merge early. I believe that would have to be done using the method where JavaScript sets an Embedded Data field value and all the questions within the Loop and Merge block have Display Logic to only display if the Embedded Data field does not equal the value that is set by the JavaScript.

I think of it this way - The Survey Flow goes from top to bottom, element by element. If your Block 4 element is Loop and Merge enabled, the respondent will have to go through every loop in Block 4 before they can proceed to the next element (the Branch element). You can use Skip logic to End of Survey on a survey question to skip over all of these loops and the entire Survey Flow, which sounds like it was working for you, but I'd recommend seeing if the Non-Loop and Merge option will work for you too.

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