🏆️ Common Use Case Page | Competition | XM Community

🏆️ Common Use Case Page | Competition

  • 17 September 2018
  • 11 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +13
Yet another 🏆️ Community Competition 🏆️ is here! To keep things exciting, we decided to make this competition a bit different from our previous Doggy Day Care and RepellentQ survey creation challenges.

Our Support Team constantly gets questions regarding Building a Consent Form, Displaying Messages Based on Scoring, and how to create an Appointment / Event Registration Survey. We eventually decided that these use cases were common enough to have their own dedicated support pages. Within the Community, we've seen all of you come up with such creative solutions to our community member’s difficult questions. This gave us the brilliant idea for this competition.

The Challenge

We want to showcase your hard work and problem solving skills, and what better way to do this than publicly on one of our support pages? We know you may not be a technical writer, and that’s okay! Our challenge to you is to create a write up explaining a use case you believe would be helpful to display on our Support Site for the world to see. The document doesn’t have to be anything fancy, but keep in mind that this is a competition and we are looking for the best and most helpful common use case.


• _Please do not write about solutions that require custom code!_ Our support team is unable to help clients who call in if they set things up incorrectly.
• Basic grammar. We’re not looking for anything fancy, but we’d appreciate if sentences started with a capital letter and ended with a period. ;)
• We’re not looking for a novel - well, unless you want to write us one! But if you’re at a loss, just 300 words will do!
• Don’t touch that thesaurus - we love our support pages simple and sweet! SAT words won’t get you extra points, but keeping things straightforward will.
• Have fun! Remember, the quality of your use case is the most important to us - our writing team can take care of the rest!


There will be two runner-ups and one overall winner. The runner-ups and winner will earn a badge worth 50 points - nearly halfway to the Guru rank! The winner’s support page will also be added to our support site! Although one of our editors will modify the page to fit our personal style, you will be given credit right on the page. You’ll be able to add ‘proud author’ to your resume and LinkedIn profile!

How to Submit your Entry

Please fill out this survey, where you will either upload a file or enter a url to your Google doc. Be sure the correct privacy / sharing settings are enabled!


1. Only one entry allowed per person.
2. Entry must be submitted by Monday, October 8th at 11:59pm MST.

11 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +13
@MaryC - check out your special shoutout at the bottom of this page!
Userlevel 7
Badge +13
Thank you to all who participated, we hope you had fun! While we had many great submissions, the winner of this competition is….. @MaryC!

Be on the lookout for our next community challenge!
Userlevel 7
Badge +13
Hello @Mike_G! The common use case is in relation to using Qualtrics! So far, we have common use case pages for Building a Consent Form, Displaying Messages Based on Scoring, and how to create an Appointment / Event Registration Survey.
Hi, i read and re-read this write up and comments 3 times and i still don't understand what the challenge is. A common use case for what? using community? using support? using qualtrics?
Userlevel 7
Badge +13
Don't forget to submit your common use case! We've had some really great entries so far, but would love to see all of the unique ways you each use Qualtrics!
Userlevel 7
Badge +13
> @NiC_Ugam said:
> Hi @LaurenK
> The runner-ups would be getting 50 points each , but what about the winner ? Won't he be getting any points or badge ?

Whoops! You caught us - both the winner and runner-ups will receive 50 points and a badge, but only the winner will have their page posted on our Support Site!
Userlevel 7
Badge +27
Hi @LaurenK
The runner-ups would be getting 50 points each , but what about the winner ? Won't he be getting any points or badge ?
Userlevel 7
Badge +13
Hi @Priyanka_jain! We are looking for a completely new idea for a common use case! We already have Building a Consent Form, Displaying Messages Based on Scoring, and How to Create an Appointment / Event Registration Survey and these just serve as examples for you. This competition involves you coming up with your very own common use case and writing up a short doc explaining what it is. The winner of this competition will have their common use case page published on our support site!
Userlevel 1
Badge +1
Hello @laurenk

Just wanted to double check, you want to have documented material on below topics

Building a Consent Form, Displaying Messages Based on Scoring, and how to create an Appointment / Event Registration Survey.

You have already given links to support page for these. You want to reword these topics and have more information on these. Correct me if I am wrong please.
Userlevel 7
Badge +13
Hi @AnthonyR! Please fill out this survey to submit your entry! We're essentially looking for a quick summary of what the solution / common use case you're writing about is. We're not looking for any particular format. Feel free to add steps as you feel necessary. Headers are not required, but you can add them if you would like! We're looking for quality over quantity. 🙂
Userlevel 7
Badge +7
How would you like submissions sent for this one? And are you looking for any particular document formats?

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