🎟 FREE X4 PASSES: Want one? Comment on this post! | XM Community

🎟 FREE X4 PASSES: Want one? Comment on this post!

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Screenshot 2023-01-25 at 3.09.19 PM.pngX4 is fast approaching, and we want the XM Community to be well represented at the event!
We have a number free passes to give exclusively to XM Community members 🎟️
Want one? All you have to do is comment on this thread and tell us what most excites you about X4! All commenters will be added to a raffle to win a free pass (worth $1799).
Can't wait to read your comments -- and hopefully send a free pass your way!

43 replies

Userlevel 1

Our Credit Union uses Qualtrics for all our survey needs and I've been part of the Qualtrics community for over a year now. So this is my first conference! I've heard great things, but I am very excited to learn more about the Qualtrics/Clarabridge platform – Qualtrics Engage and Qualtrics Discover. I've been part of a few demos and would like to speak to the experts and some power users at the conference!
And attending the Killers concert won't be so bad either ... :-)

Userlevel 7
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https://community.qualtrics.com/XMcommunity/discussion/comment/54585#Comment_54585The Killers are great! And being in the room with Ryan Reynolds isn't so bad, either. Thanks, Shalini! Stay tuned on this thread and encourage your colleagues to comment, as well!

Userlevel 1

haha, didn't want to state the obvious 😉 thank you...look forward to the conference.

Userlevel 7
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Heard from many people that it is interesting event which everyone promotes. Learning from industry leaders and business leaders will be advantage for us too on how experience is captured and acted up on.

Userlevel 7
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Would like to meet others and see how they use Qualtrics.

Userlevel 6
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🤩 Oh Wow !
I'd love to go to X4 summit !

So much incredible speakers, sharing experience with so many Qualtrics users from all around the world, meeting the Qualtrics team...
Too much excitation summarized in such few words !

(do I have more chances if I post many times ? 😆)

Userlevel 4
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Michael_Cooksey Even if I get the passes I cannot attend X4 physically but trust me deep inside I am hell excited for this. Superb lineup and limitless thoughts and possibilities under a same roof WOW!!!!
This is something I would never ever wanted to miss but salt city is very far from New Delhi :P

Userlevel 7
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https://community.qualtrics.com/XMcommunity/discussion/comment/54605#Comment_54605Understandable! That would indeed be a very big trip ✈️

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https://community.qualtrics.com/XMcommunity/discussion/comment/54599#Comment_54599We'd love to see you there! 🇨🇦✈️🇺🇸

Userlevel 7
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https://community.qualtrics.com/XMcommunity/discussion/comment/54597#Comment_54597That is always one of the best parts of X4!

Userlevel 7
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https://community.qualtrics.com/XMcommunity/discussion/comment/54592#Comment_54592Learning is a huge part of X4! Whether it's best practices or even hands-on practical usage, there is no shortage of learning at X4 🤓

Userlevel 5
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I'm most interested (besides the obvious amazing speaker and entertainment line up!!!) in the Basecamp live add-on sessions. I was on maternity leave when we implemented Qualtrics within our school district, so to be able to listen to and interact with specific session topics is very appealing to me!

Userlevel 2
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I work as a data fellow in a PreK-12 school district, and I LOVE the excitement that Qualtrics dashboards have created around data conversations in our district! With a public education budget, my district can't afford to send me from Texas to Utah, even though we all agree that it would be highly beneficial. I would love the chance to get to learn from and get to know others in our Qualtrics community. I have no doubt the wealth of knowledge and experience will be priceless!

Userlevel 7
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https://community.qualtrics.com/XMcommunity/discussion/comment/54613#Comment_54613We're thrilled to hear you're seeing so much success with data conversations! Hopefully next year travel budget will be available! ✈️

Userlevel 6
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What excites me about the X4? In addition to reconnecting with so many peers in the XM world, I am recently starting a new role focused on EX from technology and agile methodologies roles, I would love to go to X4 to connect with those who are exploring the world of developer experience !!

Userlevel 7
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https://community.qualtrics.com/XMcommunity/discussion/comment/54612#Comment_54612The Basecamp team has a great day planned this year! 🎯

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https://community.qualtrics.com/XMcommunity/discussion/comment/54615#Comment_54615The developer experience is only going to get better in 2023! 💻


Looking forward to the Keynotes and learning how to max our CX

Userlevel 7
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https://community.qualtrics.com/XMcommunity/discussion/comment/54631#Comment_54631Do you already have a pass? 🎟️

Userlevel 7
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As an introvert I am always so overwhelmed at X4 -- and yet I enjoy it so much.
The keynotes and presentations are so good, my favorite are the product roadmap sessions!

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https://community.qualtrics.com/XMcommunity/discussion/comment/54640#Comment_54640CarolK it's going to be sooo good this year. Martha Stewart was just announced as a speaker!
Do you have a pass already or no? 🎟️

Userlevel 7
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https://community.qualtrics.com/XMcommunity/discussion/comment/54641#Comment_54641No, not yet. We are still trying to work out whether we can fit it into budgets.


After a year of research and vetting, I am a NEW client....need I say more?


We are huge fans of Qualtrics and leverage their platform to run the projects that feed our most exciting product- Youth Brand Tracker. We have never attended X4 so what better reason ????

:RollsDice: C'mon baby! Poppa needs those tix!


X4 Looks so DREAMY! I have heard ya'll put on an AMAZING event. I would love to attend the event - not only to experience X4 by learning, developing, elevating my skills... but also be with the best of the best in the industry!

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