Every time I try to add "qualtricsScopes" to a manifest.json file I get an error when I try to update another file in the same extension.
There was not a qualtricsScope defined prior to this version (so error message is wrong)
The error I get is:
C:\Qualtrics\Extensions\change_user_status_5>xmt develop extension
Submitting extension version 0.0.4-SNAPSHOT...
Warning: submitting prerelease extension versions should be done through "xmt develop extension". Submitting prerelease versions with "xmt submit extension" will be disabled at a later date
Preparing submission of extension EXT_fcbac855-8af0-400d-b9d4-c7db36cd25d8
Submitted version 0.0.4-SNAPSHOT of extension EXT_fcbac855-8af0-400d-b9d4-c7db36cd25d8
Submission ID: SUB_3fbd74e1-10af-499f-96e8-af1b2be4f899
Note: This submission is for a snapshot version and should only be used for development purposes. Snapshot versions can be overwritten, and cannot be certified or published. To submit a non-snapshot version, do `xmt submit extension --release`
Waiting for submission to complete...
Submission complete. Below is the submission report:
Failure Your extension could not be submitted. Found 1 error:
/manifest.json: qualtricsScopes: Specifying qualtricsScopes is required since it was specified in a previous version
Please resolve and resubmit your extension. Submission ID: SUB_3fbd74e1-10af-499f-96e8-af1b2be4f899
Once I get this error I cannot find any way to recover the extension to a point where it will work again, and I have to start from scratch.
Is there any way I can make calls to /API/v3/ex-projects/{ProjectId}/participants without having to use the qualtricsScopes definition?