How can I track number of clicks to survey? | XM Community
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I am trying to figure out how to track the number of clicks to the survey Qualtrics link. Any recommendations on how to track this in Qualtrics or external sites that can help me track? For example I need to be able to report that the link was clicked X times over a week.

Hi Deahna ,
If you are looking for the count of survey link that was clicked by respondent then there is one way, but you will have to enable the question numbers from setting and using Js you will have to hide the same.

  1. Check the "show question numbers" option from the setting.

  2. Create Last_Question and entry_cnt variables at the start of the survey flow.

  3. Add the below code in Look & Feel -> General -> Header -> Source

Try the below code, this will calculate the no.of entries made in the survey, this track clicks daily/weekly and where will I see the count? I was hoping there was a solution where I can track the number of clicks to the link overall, perhaps an external site/program.

This code will track the no of clicks for the Qualtrics link ( respondent link), for example if respondent started the survey and leave in middle and later some time or next day they click the link then the count will get incremented, this will happen until respondent finish the survey. At the end, before completing the survey if the respondent clicked the link 4 times then entry_cnt will have that value 4. is not going to work for my use case, appreciate the effort!

I want a little bit same for my site. I have a site for 4px usa tracking and i want to save number of people who tracked their shipment using my tool. how can i do that?

Hi Deahna ,
If you are looking for the count of survey link that was clicked by respondent then there is one way, but you will have to enable the question numbers from setting and using Js you will have to hide the same.

  1. Check the "show question numbers" option from the setting.
  2. Create Last_Question and entry_cnt variables at the start of the survey flow.
  3. Add the below code in Look & Feel -> General -> Header -> Source

Try the below code, this will calculate the no.of entries made in the survey,












@SurajK I can’t see the code. Can you help me please?

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