Is there a template question to ask respondents their time zone? | XM Community
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I am trying to ask respondents a question: "What time zone will you be based in, at least for the fall semester (September-December)?"
I have searched Qualtrics question template library, Google, and community and am finding nothing that will make this question easy for respondents to answer, and for myself to analyze the data. Here is what I want in an ideal world:
-a complete list of time zones from which respondents can select theirs (bonus if it contains an example city)
-if no such template exists, is there javascript that will pre-fill their time zone in a multiple choice or text-response answer based on embedded data?
I'm sorry if this is a total newbie question, but it seems silly for me to create a list of timezones when it has surely been done before (and when time zones are actually pretty confusing and I'll probably do it wrong). Also, tagging COVID-19 since having to ask for people's time zones is probably more common now than 6 months ago!
Thank you!

I came here looking for the same thing!

Hi EllenW we've grappled with this same issue, since the list of time zones is actually huge. One alternative to consider is to ask about their time in reference to your location. For example, When it is 8:00 am in [location], what time is it where you are? Then you can provide a list of just 24 options to represent each hour.

Thank you Clair! That is a great idea.

EllenW I found this a way to do this using HTML code. Copy/paste this as Add this as a Descriptive Text question. I wasn't able to add time zones for the rest of the world as it went above the character count limit. If you need the full list, you can search "create timezone dropdown html" in google and you'll find the full list. Hope this helps (even though it's a few months late 😀)

Time Zone

My apologies, this doesn't work the way I was hoping it would. It simply displays a drop-down of the different time zones, but it does not carry over the user's selection into the survey results. If and when I figure out how to accomplish this, I will update this thread. Sorry to get your hopes high.

I figured out a way to make this work, but only with Form Entry type questions. My JavaScript knowledge is close to 0, so all I could do is copy/paste the JS code from a different page that I found. I edited the code to time zones. You would add this code to the addOnReady part of the JS code area. This code works if the Form Field is the first option. If the placement of this field on the form is different, one would have to change the number in the 

jQuery("#"+that+" .InputText:eq(Field Positiion - 1)").hide();

This part of the code occurs in three lines of the total code.

var that=this.questionId;
  var element="";
  jQuery(element).insertAfter("#"+that+" .InputText:eq(0)");
  jQuery("#"+that+" .InputText:eq(0)").hide();

    jQuery("#"+that+" .InputText:eq(0)").val(jQuery("#s1 option:selected").text());

    jQuery("#"+that+" .InputText:eq(0)").val(jQuery("#s1 option:selected").text());

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