Unselecting an option at the end of a forced choice list | XM Community

Unselecting an option at the end of a forced choice list

  • 31 July 2020
  • 1 reply

In have custom validation is in place for a question in my survey requiring participants to select answers on a five point scale. There are multiple rows in my question, each of which corresponds to an option (e.g. a type of psychological treatment that might be used to help a client). Forced choice is in place for these rows. However, at the end of the question there are three rows where participants can write in a treatment they would use. Participants still choose how often they would use the treatment, but Forced Choice is not in place because logically it makes no sense to force participants say how often they would use a treatment if they haven't written anything in. So far, so good. However, if someone accidentally clicks on one of the rows corresponding to the write in treatments, it doesn't seem possible to deselect that row. It is possible to change your choice (e.g. go from "Rarely" to "Always") but once any of the options are selected, it is not possible to deselect the row. Is there a way to change this? I should say that I'm an absolute novice when it comes to coding, so if there is a method that requires a code to be written I'd but enormously grateful if you could guide me through it step by step. I'm asking a lot I know, but any help would be appreciated.

1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +27

You could switch from a single select to multi-select, then make all the answers (columns) exclusive.

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