Personalized multi-channel distribution | XM Community
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I have a contact list with user's email and mobile phone number. I would like for the user to only be able to compete the survey once. Is there a way using Qualtrics distributions to distribute to both email and SMS, with reminders, and have the link only work once? For example if I receive the both the email and SMS, click the link in the SMS and complete the survey, if I then click the email link I'll get a message that I already completed the survey?

Thank you!

This would be SUPER helpful!!

Hi Radam! If you have not yet already, I’d recommend posting this in our Product Ideas category, as it is a feature not already developed by our team. If you’re not sure how to post your idea, check out our Ideation Guidelines and our Policy & Procedures!

My organisation was incredibly disappointed to learn that the distribution methods do not work together. It's very frustrating, and now the only "workaround" is to upload a new contact list (which creates its own problems as then there is more than 1 unique link for the same respondent - and we track our respondents to then match to demographics held in our own systems). This problem was very surprising to us, as Qualtrics is generally very intuitive and integrated within itself. This should certainly be fixed! There is little to no incentive to use the SMS Distribution feature now, until it is integrated with the Email Distribution.

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