Left-Align "Form" Text Entry Question | XM Community
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Hello- Is there custom code to be able to left align the text boxes in a "form" question? I don't want to include any text before the box and cannot figure out how to remove the extra space so it aligns with the beginning of the question. It correctly displays as follows:

Hi, This white space can be removed using html code. Either of the code will work. Just add the code in the editor / css - " <td nowrap>Long Text Here</td>. If you are using a div or a span, you can use the style="white-space: nowrap;" .
You can use descriptive text for this question. After that select the html view and use input tag with type="text". I have attatched screenshot for better understanding.


@akshay11749 will data appear for this question by creating boxes with HTML.

Add the following JavaScript to the question to hide the label column. You can still include labels for your own use since the respondent won't see them.


Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.addOnload(function() {

jQuery("#"+this.questionId+" td:not(.ControlContainer)").hide();



The answer given by @akshay11749 won't save the responses into your survey data.
@bansalpeeyush29 no, but you can set embedded data with the values entered in text boxes using javascript.

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