Hide numbers on slider question | XM Community
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I want to hide numbers shown in my slider question (highlighted in yellow in the image) but don't know how to do so. Can anybody here help please?

Hi @Sgprt,

You can use the following JS code in Onload or On Ready function:



Nihal Chirayath
Hi Nihal,

It worked! Thank you so much!

However, I now want it to show the slider scale (circled with red)...can one do this?

Appreciate your expert advice!


> @NiC said:

> Hi @Sgprt,


> You can use the following JS code in Onload or On Ready function:

> `jQuery("ul.numbers").hide();`


> Regards,

> Nihal Chirayath

Is this also possible for a Matrix table? The code doesnt work with the matrix table. What do I have to change?

Looking forward to your answer!


Jenny Franke

This code does not work for my slider.

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