How to add a vertical line before last column in a multiple choice question with horizontal layout? | XM Community
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Hello Community,

I have a multiple choice question with horizontal layout of the options. The last option is "Don't know". I want to add a vertical line before this option on the left side. I searched the internet and tried couple of options, but no success so far. Can anybody please help.


Add this CSS to the question text:



@media only screen and (min-width:481px) {

td:last-of-type { border-left: 1px solid grey; }

td:last-of-type label { margin-left:10px; }




Adjust border-left and margin-left properties as needed.
Thank you @TomG , it worked perfectly.


Thank you.

Is there an option to do this vertical line, but just on one of my matrix questions in the survey?

I don't want it to affect the other matrix questions.
> @MAYA3 said:

> Thank you.

> Is there an option to do this vertical line, but just on one of my matrix questions in the survey?

> I don't want it to affect the other matrix questions.

Use this JS:

When I'm trying to paste this JS on the question script, it writes the message attached below. What should I do?
Thanks!> @TomG said:

> > @MAYA3 said:

> > Thank you.

> > Is there an option to do this vertical line, but just on one of my matrix questions in the survey?

> > I don't want it to affect the other matrix questions.


> Use this JS:



I will highly appreciate your help in solving it.
> @MAYA3 said:

> Thanks.

> When I'm trying to paste this JS on the question script, it writes the message attached below. What should I do?

That error is unrelated to the script. It appears you have an Internet connectivity issue.

Hi TomG, I am currently trying to add the line you provided:

it works perfectly! However, is there a way to modify, 1) the transparency of the line (I would like the line more faded out) and 2) a way to add the line before the last 3 response option of the question (instead of adding the line before the last response)? If you have any information, I would greatly appreciate it!


I'm sorry, in addition, is there a way to only add this to a singular multiple choice question?

However, is there a way to modify, 1) the transparency of the line (I would like the line more faded out)

change the border style
and 2) a way to add the line before the last 3 response option of the question (instead of adding the line before the last response)?

use nth-child
in addition, is there a way to only add this to a singular multiple choice question?

make the selector specific to the question

TomG Thank you so much!

Screen Shot 2020-06-09 at 10.58.00 AM.pngTomG Do you know how to fix this issue? The code worked and added the line for my I don't know column but it also added a line in the very front of my matrix. Thanks! thing happens for me. bumping this again in case anyone know how to fix!'ve combined the two different solutions on this thread: one for horizontal multiple choice and one for matrix. Remove the CSS that only applies to horizontal multiple choice from your matrix question.

Screen Shot 2020-06-09 at 10.58.00 AM.pngTomG Do you know how to fix this issue? The code worked and added the line for my I don't know column but it also added a line in the very front of my matrix. Thanks!

Screen Shot 2020-06-09 at 10.58.00 AM.pngTomG Do you know how to fix this issue? The code worked and added the line for my I don't know column but it also added a line in the very front of my matrix. Thanks!

Hi, did you fix this? I have the same issue, but I did not figure out. 

Hi, I have the same issue. I added in the html under the question text.

@media only screen and (min-width:481px) {
td:last-of-type { border-left: 1px solid grey; }
td:last-of-type label { margin-left:10px; }

I see the line to the very left of my matrix, which is unwanted. What language should I add in html to remove? Thanks!  

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