Can I randomly select one of a respondent's answers for use in a follow up question? | XM Community
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I'm asking the respondent to choose up to three days in the next week that they would like to go to the gym. If they choose either 2 or 3 days of the week, I would like to randomly select one of those 2 or 3 days and have them make a plan to go at a certain hour on that day. For example, if they choose Tuesday and Friday, I want to randomly select one of those days, and then have the next question ask them to choose the hour of their gym visit for that randomly selected day. Does anyone know how to program the random selection (I already built the part where they choose a particular hour of the day)?
1. Carryover the selected choices in your days question to a multiple choice question.

2. On your new multiple choice question used Advanced Randomization to randomly display one of the choices.

3. Hide the question with JavaScript (if it has to be on its own page, you'll have to have JS click the Next button too)

4. Pipe the displayed choice from you hidden question into your hours question.


Your solution is brillian. Thank you very much.

The only thing I don’t understand, why it only workes in the language the survey was programmed.

All fine in English. In the German version the field in the question text where I piped stays empty.

Switching to English, et voilá, it’s there.

Any idea why or even a solution?

found the error (unchanged translation). This one was too easy to be found 🙄

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