Screening out real location of survey respondents even if they use VPN | XM Community

Screening out real location of survey respondents even if they use VPN

  • 30 November 2019
  • 3 replies

Dear Qualtrics Community,

For my survey, I am trying to exclude all respondents who are not from the Germany, even if they might use a VPN. Therefore I am using ipdata to detect the location of the respondent. Everyone who is not from the Germany should be automatically excluded from the survey. However, if I test the link of the survey, sometimes I am excluded and sometimes not. If I save the ip address, I can see that it is always a 52. address that is not the actual address of my computer, but belongs apparently to some amazon company in Frankfurt or sometimes to some location in Ireland. I do not understand where Qualtrics or IPdata get this IP address from. Has anyone here encountered a similar problem and maybe solved it? I would really appreciate some help. Below you can also see how I use the webservice for that and how I set the embedded data and everything. For the api-key, I am using an actual key not the XXXXX that you see in the foto.

Thank you and cheers,


3 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +27
You are getting the ip location of the Qualtrics server because your web service call is incorrect.

The URL should be:${loc://IPAddress}

Remove the ip query parameter.
Dear Tom,
Thank you for your help. Unfortunately It still doesn‘t work. If I put the URL as you suggest, and if I then use the test function if the URL, I receive the message from Qualtrics that the URL does not return any results for embedded data usage. Also, if I then test the entire survey again, I still get the wrong IP address, again starting with 52..
Do you maybe have another idea, it would be really helpful.
Userlevel 7
Badge +27
> @fdeeg said:
> Dear Tom,
> Thank you for your help. Unfortunately It still doesn‘t work. If I put the URL as you suggest, and if I then use the test function if the URL, I receive the message from Qualtrics that the URL does not return any results for embedded data usage. Also, if I then test the entire survey again, I still get the wrong IP address, again starting with 52..
> Do you maybe have another idea, it would be really helpful.
> Cheers,
> Franziska

Embedded variables don't get replaced when you click the Test button. It works for me when I do what I suggested above.

However, if all you want to save is country name and code, you don't need a web service. Just pipe the GeoIP location data into embedded variables in your survey flow:
country_name = ${loc://CountryName}
country_code = ${loc://CountryCode}

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