How to prevent piped text URLs in emails from being changed to use | XM Community
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Hi Folks, I have a question that I've not been able to find an answer to in the community or Qualtrics support docs.
I have a form with a field that the submitter enters a web URL into, i.e. "":
I then have an action setup to send an email to the submitter when the survey response is created. In the body of the email I'm using piped text to provide the submitter a copy of their form responses, including that field where they entered a URL into:

Remote Link/URL: ${q://QID5/ChoiceTextEntryValue}

When the email is received, though, the URL is changed from what they entered, to a link that goes through, instead (I removed the token at the end URL in the following example):

While link works, and the user is taken to the URL they specified in the form, this is potentially confusing to the intended audience for the form.
Is there a way to prevent this from happening, and have the original URL be retained in the email?
Thanks for any advice.

Hi C_Camacho! The piped text should not change when it is sent through an email unless you are an academic brand. If you have not yet already, we'd recommend reaching out to the Support team, as they will be best equipped to troubleshoot your case!

Actually, I have this same issue and I was just informed that it is intended behavior. Although I can not fathom a reason that it would be intended to have a perfectly good URL as an answer be turned into a Proxy address that doesn't work or throws a Serious Warning message from Chrome.

Still working this...found a possible workaround?
IF you do NOT include the http:// or https:// in the URL, it doesn't add the proxy text AND it still works as a hyperlink.

BTW, the good reason provided:
the reason why it is set so full URLs in emails from academic brands turn into proxy links is as a safety precautionary measure against links that would be directed to a malicious 3rd party website. The proxy designation allows for the ability to prevent a person receiving that email from clicking on a link and be taken to a malicious website, where if a malicious website was entered then the proxy would take them to a screen that informs the individual that the website may not be safe and may be trying to steal information of some form.

and finally, with TomG 's help (he did it all...I just kept asking questions), here is a solution for stripping off the http(s) which is what causes the proxy to appear. Your link should work since the http is not required.
IF you are asking for the URL in a question, Go to the questions JS editor, Remove all of the default JS in the Question and replaced it with Tom's code:

Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.addOnPageSubmit(function() {
var input = jQuery("#"+this.questionId+" .InputText");
I tested with https://, http://, and finally with neither and it worked like a charm! Thanks again. I'm going to post in another thread where someone was trying to find an answer.

This has been an issue for me as well. In my case the proxy is causing an issue; it's causing a Captiva error on the user's to end when they click on the provided link. It would be great if this feature was removed or at least there was a way to bypass it.

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