How to add a column to the left of text choices in a side by side question type? | XM Community
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I have a set of enablers, and they need to be rated in terms of ability to impact project and second: frequency of competent execution. So I am using a side by side question type with the enablers as answer choices and two columns (one for ability to impact project (1-5 scale) and second for frequency of competent execution (1-6 scale).

I want an additional column to the left of the enablers so that I can input the project phase (as the header) and assign design, procurement, construction etc as the phases for the enablers

This is the word version of the survey. I would very much appreciate your inputs/ suggestions!
Hi @vineeth_dp5! Current side-by-side question functionality does not allow for any text to the left of your answer choices. An alternative solution would be to add a text entry column for your phases to the right of your 'Enabler' column. If you have not yet already, I would recommend posting this in our Product Ideas category!

Otherwise, it sounds like you may be asking for a custom programming/code solution. We actually have a Developer Corner in the community that is reserved for these types of questions! Therefore, we recommend asking your question in that section instead so coders and programmers are more likely to answer your question.

P.S. They might assume that you already have a basic knowledge of programming and how to integrate it into Qualtrics. If you do not, we recommend checking out W3Schools and our pages on Adding Custom CSS and Adding JavaScript to get a basic understanding!

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