How to randomize 89 items within a block and over 6 randomized blocks? | XM Community
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I have a 89-item scale (Using a matrix-question type) that has to be completely randomized. As these are a lot of items especially for mobile version, I would like to put them on more than one page (e.g. 6 blocks), so users do not have to scroll the whole time.

I already randomized blocks over the survey flow, but I cannot randomize the items also over the pages.

Is there a way to randomize the items over multiple blocks, for example with java script?

I've done something similar, but put all the questions in the same block. I then used Block Options > Question Randomization > Randomize the order of all questions. Then, for each question, I did Choice Randomization > Advanced Randomization and set up advanced randomization. (I had 106 choices.) I then set up Custom Validation so that users would have to meet some condition before moving onto next page, which functionally only shows one question per page. I specifically designed this for mobile, so it might work for you.
Thank you. It is interesting what youve done, but I have 89 questions, and as choices I have - for all the same - likert from 0 to 4, so a 5-point likert.

If it would work, what would be the condition the user would meet to move to the next page in my case?
Perhaps, rather than using a validation condition, under Look & Feel you could set Questions per Page to be 1. That would be easiest, I would think.
That would imply that I would have only one question on each page also in the other parts of my study. so that would not work .. Thank you anyways for you attempt!
Hi @Algerlac! Just wanted to jump in here and mention that if you choose to use Advanced Randomization, you can actually set the questions per page for that specific block!
Dear Laura

I looked at the description of Randomization that was linked in you comment. Unfortunately, I have no such option under Advanced Randomization called "Question per page".

Do you have an Idea what to do? Do I have to adjust settings?

Also, it does not appear if I insert pages in a block.
Hi @Algerlac! In the future, be sure to use @ to tag an individual in your comment so they get notified! If you do not see Questions per Page when you go to Block Options > Question Randomization > Advanced Randomization please reach out to our Support team!
I am not really sure there has been an answer to question @drlestj : the items are in a single matrix, not in multple questions. How can we randomize the order of items AND split them into multiple pages?

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