Publishing a survey after updating quotas | XM Community
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With the new 'Publish' feature, do we need to re-publish our surveys after making updates to quotas?

@steve_emr , yes we need to publish after quotas updates, i checked with creating dummy it show yellow line "You are currently making edits to this survey. Changes won’t be live until you publish."
> @bansalpeeyush29 said:

> @steve_emr , yes we need to publish after quotas updates, i checked with creating dummy it show yellow line "You are currently making edits to this survey. Changes won’t be live until you publish."

Great, thanks for the information - appreciate the reply.

Very frustrating as we were given no guidance by Qualtrics about that and wasted a long time thinking we had a problem with one of our surveys, when all we needed to do was hit 'publish' again. The literature on their support pages makes it sound as though the new feature is for respondent-facing elements (i.e. question updates).

At least we now know - thanks again.
Hi @steve_emr! This information might also be helpful.

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