How can I add a consent form that is not connected to my survey? | XM Community
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I would like to have users agree to a consent form by typing in their name & the date before the survey begins. However, I cannot have this identifying information connected to the survey response in any way. How can I set that up?
Set up one qualtrics survey for the informed consent and then another for the actual survey. I give them 2 options. 1. I do not wish to continue. This option takes them to a Thank you page. 2. I wish to continue (this option will take you to the survey). This links to the actual survey.

Consent and the survey are supposed to be two different things so by setting it up as 2 qualtrics surveys that are linked together it accomplishes that. The will come through as two different data files that can’t be connected to one another so anonymity is maintained.
Hi JulieT, can you please show the link to information on how to link 2 surveys together? Thank you.
Hi @Peir - You will want to create 2 different surveys and set up an HTTP referer verification on your second survey. The URL you would input here would be the Anonymous Link from your first survey.

In your first survey you will evaluate in the Survey Flow with Branch Logic if the consent was given. If it was, add an End of Survey Element under your branch evaluating this condition and customize it to redirect to the link of your second survey (see the linked page for details).

I am very new to the cite and am struggling to create the survey with my consent form. I Must post a very specific consent form that has been approved by my IRB is there a way to do that. consent must be given prior to entering the survey. I am lost as to how to accomplish this. Any help please and thank you.
> @Odily said:

> Hello,

> I am very new to the cite and am struggling to create the survey with my consent form. I Must post a very specific consent form that has been approved by my IRB is there a way to do that. consent must be given prior to entering the survey. I am lost as to how to accomplish this. Any help please and thank you.

Please see this reference

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