Survey flow is terminating selections that it shouldn't | XM Community
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I have survey flow set up to terminate if a certain selection is made in a multiple choice/single answer question. However, it is terminating on ALL selections.

Set up: Display Q5 if Q2_b; Q5 is a simple question with 6 possible selections, terminate if the first one is selected. The display logic is operating properly (as is the same terminated logic in survey flow for the immediately preceding question).

I would have to take a look at the flow to be certian what is going on- your description is a little vague right now. Are you able to send us a screenshot?

That being said:

I never use display logic when terminating questions. In the survey flow section, following the filter question, I set up a branch that IF Answer Selection = (Filter out Option) THEN End of Survey. Unless that flow is triggered by the filter question, the respondent will automatically be sent to the rest of the survey. No need to set up display logic.

Hey @KarenC! It looks like you spoke with a Product Specialist over the phone who helped resolve this issue! It sounds like you had some additional branches and blocks that weren’t necessary. Our specialist had you remove those and you were good to go!
Thanks, Kate. Yes, I was using display logic to show questions to the "right" audience based on their answer to the first question of the survey. I appreciate your suggestions and will try them out soon!

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