How to attach user data from parent page to a survey response; survey is triggered through zone code | XM Community
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The parent site/page has a user's ID available globally.

The survey is triggered through zone code; not sure where/how how to add a query param to qualtrics URL that needs a dynamic value; a given user's ID.

The survey iframe can't go look at the parent page due to browser security protocol.

So what is best way to get that outside ID to be sent along with a survey?

Thank you in advance I appreciate it.
Hi @tdm42,

I don't believe you will need to add the query param to the Qualtrics URL itself. There are a number of options available within the _Intercepts_ tab of Site Intercept / Website Feedback from the _Options_ menu on the upper right corner of your action set. The options will let you grab values from the page and set them as embedded data. You can grab a URL parameter from the page itself, grab it from any JavaScript value available on the page, or from a cookie (there are others... I'll grab a screen shot). Remember you will need to add an embedded data field to your survey that matches the name of the one you create exactly.


Support docs around this:
Thank you Rich very kind of you

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