How do I allow participants to jump to End of Survey message at any point in survey? | XM Community
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Here's the situation:

I am conducting survey research on MTurk that involves participants reading workplace sexual harassment scenarios that include potentially distressing depictions of sexual assault/violence. I want to design the survey in Qualtrics such that participants: (1) must spend a certain amount of time reading each scenario before advancing to dependent measures and next scenario (i.e., placing timer on blocks with each scenario, restricting advancement until the timer is up) and (2) may, at any point, advance directly to the end of the survey to receive MTurk completion code if they wish to terminate participation for whatever reason. Is there a way achieve both of these requirements, or will I have to abandon (1) and allow participants to advance freely to the end of the survey by skipping questions/scenarios? How can I program a survey such that participants can go directly to the End of Survey message at any point, like a survey "eject button"? Or is there a better way to handle this situation with MTurk participants (e.g., asking workers to contact me directly through the MTurk website, perhaps with a screenshot of where they ended the survey, if they decide to terminate participation)?

To Skip to end of survey, you can add option in your questions like " click here if you want to end survey", if it is clicked you can skip to end by adding skip logic to that question.
1.) you can hide button for some time and than reactivate button after some time using below


2.) To advance to some url at any point you can just add one statement with link in your policy text or a option below like


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