How can I program a hidden / backgroud question? | XM Community
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I have a question that based on a previous question (aided awareness) random and evenly selects two known brands and makes these default selections. I would like this to happen in the background without showing the question to the respondents. I was thinking about adding Javascript to autoforward/advance but this does not seem to work. Any other way to make such questions with default choices in the background?

Many thanks!
You can use code like

Ok I see, this would just generate everything in the background...

As the scenario is quite complex, based on different constellations of brands aware, then a random, even selection of 2 brands of the subset and then the default choice of these (i.e. using disply logic, advanced randomization and default choice), I'd prefer to keep it as a separate question, just not showing this to respondets but auto forwarding with the default choice saved in the variable...!
This will hide the question and go to the next page:


Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.addOnload(function() {





If you don't want them to see the question flash by, add padding to the top of the question text to push it off the bottom of the page.
Awesome, TomG!

This is exactly what I was looking for! Tom
Can you advise what you mean by "add padding to the top of the question text to push it off the bottom of the page"- how do I do that please?
Thank you

Question text

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