Is there a way to do timing at the block level? | XM Community
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I often use the timing questions to regulate how long participants view questions and I would like to do the same thing at the block level. Specifically, I would like to have participants spend a certain amount of time on a block of questions then move automatically to the next block as soon as the allotted time for that block is up (even if they haven't answered/viewed all the questions). I imagine that you could have logic that would move them to the next block if at the end of a question the time spent on that block was more than a specific amount (which you could probably track with JS and embedded data fields), but I want the timing to automatically advance participants even if they are in the middle on answering a question.

Does anyone know if there is a good way to do this?
The way to handle this uses JavaScript.

There is info about achieving this here:

If you have trouble as you work to implement this, please don't hesitate to reach out in the Custom Code section of the community!
@AnthonyR That is exactly what I was looking for. Thank you!
@AnthonyR I'm trying to do the same kind of thing, except for two differences:

1) the questions in my block are separated by page breaks and need to be randomised. When I include the JavaScript from on each question, every time the user moves to the next question an additional 'Time Remaining: ##:##' appears on the screen. How do I just have one 'Time Remaining: ##:##' appear across all the questions?

2) once the timer is up, the user is still able to answer the question they're on. Is there a way to auto-advance them to the next block, even if they haven't answered the current question?

Thanks in advance!
Hi @AliceT ! If you have a different question, it would be best to start a new question so that it goes into the "Unanswered" queue and gets more attention from other users. That doesn't mean you can't link back to this thread, however!
I'm facing a similar problem. I need to advance to end of block consisting of 10 items separated by page breaks after 3 minutes is up. I'm having some trouble implementing the code from the StackOverflow link. Does someone have an exact copy of the code used to implement this?
Hi @timothygg

I am sorry, but I can't seem to find the exact code I used to do this. It was in a block that I ended up deleting and replacing with something completely different.

Sorry I couldn't be more help.

Hello everyone. Just wondering if any of you were able to get the code for your timer? mcoverdale , timothygg
I'm looking to have a timer that continues onto the next page (within a blog), without refreshing. I would prefer for the block to advance after the timer is up, regardless of how many questions a participant has answered.

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