Embedded Data Validation | XM Community
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How would I go about doing a validation that if a new respondent's embedded data value is equal to something that I already have in my data set, then it can route them to a customized survey experience?
on adding display logic, there is an icon in which you select embeeded data which is automatically survey question and than add your embedded variable and compare it with survey variable.
To elaborate, and this might be done in an easier fashion (I am all ears), if somebody has already taken my survey which is an anonymous link, I want them to be able to bypass a section that they would have already completed in the past and I don't want to make them have to do it again.
@bansalpeeyush29 Can this be done in survey flow? It is an entire block. Can you give me an example of how to do this? I know how to set up display logic or do branching, but how do I "compare with survey variable"?
you can add this in survey flow, add new element as a branch logic, there add condition. Yes you can compare it with other variable with expressions( on left take your embedded variable than operational sign say less than, and on right enter or pipe your survey variable you want to compare with). Better to do in survey flow.
@over3520 , You can use the piped text of your data variable to compare with the respondent's embedded data value.
> @over3520 said:

> @bansalpeeyush29 Can this be done in survey flow? It is an entire block. Can you give me an example of how to do this? I know how to set up display logic or do branching, but how do I "compare with survey variable"?

Hello @over3520 ,

You can use authenticator with prefill option.
You can set a variable with the value and make a contact list trigger to get this variable stored and have an authenticator to verify the respondent and retrieve the value of embedded data

from the contact list and verify with the new value .If there is a match then give end of block condition
> @over3520 said:

> To elaborate, and this might be done in an easier fashion (I am all ears), if somebody has already taken my survey which is an anonymous link, I want them to be able to bypass a section that they would have already completed in the past and I don't want to make them have to do it again.

I was just working on this today. I have a block at the end of all of my surveys that we ask our audience to complete, BUT they will only see it if they've not previously answered those questions (we keep track of that in an excel sheet) and their embedded data if the row "END BLOCK" is denoted at "Y" instead of "N."

We add display logic to the question before the last block to say IF Embedded Data END BLOCK IS 'Y' show next question. Otherwise, skip to the end of the survey.

Hope this helps.
> @over3520 said:

> To elaborate, and this might be done in an easier fashion (I am all ears), if somebody has already taken my survey which is an anonymous link, I want them to be able to bypass a section that they would have already completed in the past and I don't want to make them have to do it again.

@over3520 - A lot of good suggestions about. What might be missing is the detail that you are using an anonymous link. That isn't a problem, but you _will_ need a way to know who took the anonymous link survey, which isn't standard because, well, it is anonymous.

My question for you is, what method are you using to identify the people who have taken your anonymous link survey?

A couple of options that come to mind (this is far from exhaustive):

* Contact list trigger

* URL redirect from end of survey)

Also, how do respondents access both versions of your survey? Also, when you say survey, do you mean 2 separate projects or 2 different "journeys" through the survey flow?
@Akdashboard I pull this information in from an integration through our Banner system at our university. There is an embedded data field called "uvid" that automatically brings that information in from our banner system along with a lot of other identifying information. Does that change my method at all? In the Survey flow when I branch through embedded data, how do I do it?

If uvid is equal to ??????? It wouldn't be uvid is equal to uvid, right?
* This issue was resolved outside of Qualtrics community. An explanation of the resolution is below*

@over3520 wanted to know how he could add an indicator that someone completed a specific block of his survey and then reference that indicator in order to hide specific block when the same recipient takes the survey again. (In his use-case, the other block acted as a 2nd survey). Note, this process is not for a survey that uses an anonymous link, but could be tweaked to work for anonymous links so long as identifying information is collected through the survey.

To do this, follow the steps below and/or reference the following image.

1. Add an embedded data field _after_ the block you want to hide after being completed once. Populate this embedded data field [indicator] with a static value [true].

2. Add an embedded data element to the top of your survey and include the same embedded data field name as step one ( [indicator] ) BUT do not populate a static value. This way the value of [true] will be pulled in for all subsequent surveys taken.

3. Create branching logic where embedded data [indicator] IS NOT EQUAL TO [true] and nest the block you want to hide in all subsequent surveys.

4. Create a contact list trigger ( Tools > Contact List Triggers...). Create a contact List and check the box "Update existing list members".

5. Map the relevant identifying information that is applicable (FirstName, LastName, Email, External Data Reference, Language) AND add an additional field called [Indicator]

6. Map [Indicator] = Embedded Data [Indicator]



NOTE You need to updated a mailing list or find some other way to add an indicator to your membership data for this to work. Simply adding an embedded data field in a survey flow WILL NOT update a contact's embedded data (that is why we do the contact list trigger). Embedded data set in a survey is specific to that response for that survey.

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