Connecting responses over time | XM Community
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For my study I need participants to fill out a survey at 3 different time points. How can I connect the three different surveys over time without connecting their Qualtrics number with their email?
Hello @tallard ,

What type of distribution you are using for the three surveys?

Also didn't get this "without connecting their Qualtrics number with their email?"
Hello @tallard ,

You can use email task in your survey and add time period in the "when" option of compose email. Please see this page
If you have programmed 3 different surveys, you can connect using some common variable. If you are distributing using email and distribution list add variable like ED . Then download distribution history from first survey for preparing distribution list for another survey or you can use Contact list trigger.

For Anonymous link, you can ask some unique information in survey like emailid, which will help you at time of data merging.
So I am sending out an email with the link to complete the online qualtrics "Time 1 survey". Upon submission of the Time 1 survey, 30 days later I want participants to fill out the "Time 2 survey." 60 days after the Time 2 survey submission, I want participants to fill out the "Time 3 survey." The "Time 1 Survey" is a different set of questions than surveys times 2 &3, but Time 2 and 3 surveys are the same questions. Participants will be submitting time 1 responses at randomly and I need a way to remind participants 30 days after time 1 submission to complete time 2 survey... and then i need to remind participants 60 days after time 2 submission to complete the time 3 survey.

I need to be able to send participants time 2 and 3 reminders without me being able to connect their email address with their survey responses.
This is then simple, with in first distribution you can schedule reminder (this will automatically send email to your sample who have not completed survey). You can schedule 2 reminders of different date along with your first distribution.
Well, I am glad you think this is simple! I hope it is!

I do not have direct access to my participants email addresses though. I am emailing the solicitation message with my survey link to contacts who will be forwarding this to the participants. Can I still schedule a reminder if I do not have the person submitting the survey's email address? Is there a way to schedule this reminder so that when they hit submit they will automatically be contacted to fill out a different survey!?
In that case you can ask one question in your survey where you can ask respondent email. And you can use contact list trigger and using this you can automatically schedule your another link.
Is there a way for me to not see the email they provide ?

Also, I think I was reading about that? For an email trigger the max for a reminder was 30 days out -- is that time limit the same for a contact list trigger? Or will I be able to automatically schedule my other link 60 days after time 2 submission?
Contact list trigger will make a new list which you can use anytime for anydate. It take common fields like name , email that you can pipe from your first survey, If you are asking such question in survey.
and by doing this, I won't see their email address?
> @tallard said:

> Is there a way for me to not see the email they provide ?


> Also, I think I was reading about that? For an email trigger the max for a reminder was 30 days out -- is that time limit the same for a contact list trigger? Or will I be able to automatically schedule my other link 60 days after time 2 submission?

Hello @tallard

Hope this page helps you to not to see email

of respondent. See the below image:


In order to increase the duration for next email to send. Please use email task
Hi @Shashi

Even Email Task have a limit of 30 days. so she can use it after the 1st survey but not after the 2nd survey.

Hello @tallard

You can either do one of the two things if you want to send a survey link after 60 days

1) You can send email to link via compose email option in distribution tab and select the custom option and send mail according to your choice , but the problem here would be that you would have to conduct everyone's survey together

2) This is a little tricky as there is no option i know which automatically trigger an email after 60 days so what you can do is a kind of relay, set an email trigger after 30 days to a new survey, where there will be no questions just a reminder that they have a survey coming up after 30 days and in this survey you can set an email trigger to your actual survey 3.
Thank you all! this is VERY helpful
I followed some aspects of this discussion ok but as a 'newbie' I have a more basic question...

I have a list of emails and I want to send a survey link to them at 3 time points in the coming year.

Can I assign a unique RESPONSE ID to each email address so that I can identify respondents at 2 or 3 subsequent data collection time points using this same anonymous ID?

Perhaps there is a support video on this to get me started?

Thanks for any advice.

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