Randomization | XM Community
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I have approached Qualtrics technicians but they said they don't really know so I thought to try here.

I need to have 4 groups/blocks in my survey:

(first will be some demographic questions and forms etc)

1st block:

- 1 manipulated ad

- 1 manipulated ad

- 1 fake ad

- 1 fake ad

then set of 4 questions

- 1 distraction task

and the remaining 3 groups will be exactly the same format (just ads will be different). I want ads to be randomized between those 4 groups but the format needs to stay as above.

Now the question is how to create that survey? In one big block, few blocks or...?

This is preview link to my survey so you can get a rough idea how it works.


Any ideas greatly appreciated.

When you say "I want ads to be randomized between those 4 groups but the format needs to stay as above" do you mean that there is some bank of ads each person will see 16/x ads?

Or do you mean there are 4 groups of 4 ads, and each person should randomly see one group?

In general, putting everything in one block usually becomes a bad idea quickly. I would either do:


* 1 manipulated ad

* 1 manipulated ad

* 1 fake ad

* 1 fake ad

then set of 4 questions

* 1 distraction task

Or I would do:


* 1 manipulated ad

* 1 manipulated ad

* 1 fake ad


* 1 fake ad

then set of 4 questions

* 1 distraction task
Yes. each person will see 16 ads (8 fake ones and 8 manipulated ones).

if I use one of your options given above, how shall I set up randomising then?
Hi @Iwona

Are the set of questions after the fake ad same , as in the preview link ?
> @NotSoAnonymous said:

> Hi @Iwona

> Are the set of questions after the fake ad same , as in the preview link ?

Sorry that came out wrong , i meant are the set of 4 questions asked after the second fake Ad same in every set ?

yes, those set of 4 questions after ads are all the same in every block
@Iwona , check survey flow in qsf file below, hope that will help u.

sorry but I'm not that tech person and I can't even open your attachment. what sort of programme do I need to be able to open it?
Hey @Iwona! Check out this page about importing a QSF survey into your account! 🙂
@Iwona ,

Create new project

Select create from existing and select 'from a file' tab

> @LaurenK said:

> Hey @Iwona! Check out this page about importing a QSF survey into your account! :)

@LaurenK thank you for that.
@akshay11 thank you for that. I've looked into the survey flow and it does look very complicated. I would never even dream it to do it on my own.

I have created a new project using your file. So now that new project I need to design as I wanted and the 'survey flow'/randomisation should work.
Hey @Iwona

The method by @akshay11 is good but a little lengthy ,

you can simply do it using the loop and merge feature of the qualtrics

here is a preview link

1) You can add all the video link in the loop and merge fields


2) Now you can pipe these links in the question in the iframe tag


and your done
Hello @Iwona ;

This solution is using js :

Step 1: Create 16 embedded data as your first element in survey flow(image):


Step 2: Add the attached js(in on load function) in the first question i.e Descriptive text(Participant information sheet page, from your given preview link )

Step 3: Now just add src of video tag as below


Now, you can have 4 blocks and block one will have manipulated add src as M1,M2 and fake add scr as F1,F2 similarly it goes for other blocks. Please let me know if any issue in implementation.
@NotSoAnonymous OMG this looks so complicated..... How you people do these things... Clever clogs!!!

Thank you all for your help, I do appreciate it a lot.

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