Automatically Sorting Form Responses (Based on one question) | XM Community
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Hi all - I currently in the process of implementing a Qualtrics form for the staff in my department. This is a form that over 200 student staff members will regularly be submitting responses to and about 50 supervisors will be periodically checking. The form will be used to collect information about educational programs facilitated in the residence halls, and each of the 200 staff members will submit 4-8 responses throughout the academic year.

There is a survey item that asks staff members to identify the residence hall that they work in. Ideally, I want the form to function so that based on this particular response, the form submissions are sorted into one of 13 unique files (one for each hall), while also keeping a master list for my work with the information.

Is such a thing possible? Is there an easier way to process these responses? Thanks!
Another idea -- would it be possible for me to use the filter feature from my end for each hall that I need to sort responses by, but share the list of filtered responses directly with other individuals?
You can store hall information in variable in survey. And at the time of Data pull you can filter out by using this variable.
Yes, your idea is correct. For filtering, you can use the survey field (question) in which the hall information is stored.
> @jdiodato said:

> Another idea -- would it be possible for me to use the filter feature from my end for each hall that I need to sort responses by, but share the list of filtered responses directly with other individuals?

For filter visit this page

For share to individual you can export the data after applying filter. See this page

See the image below


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