💬  Q&A Featuring Jamie Morningstar, Product Manager - Data Analytics & Reporting | Q&A | XM Community
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Starting now, you can ask questions of Product Manager Jamie Morningstar. Jamie covers a huge swath of our product, including Data Processing, Imports, Exports, Text Analysis, and Reporting (this includes both Results-Reports and Advanced-Reports). Wherever your survey data is involved, Jamie’s there, making things run as smoothly as possible.

Jamie was listed as one of Utah Business’ Forty under 40 and a finalist of the Women Tech Awards in 2017. Her goal is to make the way we interact with our data aesthetically pleasing, but also user-friendly so it gets us the answers we need. One of the features on her roadmap that she’s most passionate about is her revamp of the Text tab. Your ability to analyze text will soon be pumped up by all kinds of cool widgets and visualization tools, so stay tuned!

How This Works:

* If you have questions for Jamie, please post them here on this thread before August 13th. On that day, she will do her best to respond to every question she can.

* Please don’t ask support questions. If you need help with a technical issue, try posting a thread elsewhere in the community or contacting our Support Team.

* Please ask about relevant parts of the platform. For example, Jamie doesn’t design ticketing, but the manager in charge of that feature might do a Q&A someday!

* Have fun!
When the parent/sub topics in TextIQ transition over to dashboards so we can create multi-layer topics in widgets and dynamically display topics into groups, etc?
I loved a feature in classic reports that let you set display logic on a page. I have several surveys that I template out to be flexible in the number of objectives and instructors that get evaluated. It would be awesome if reporting not only let us filter the data in widgets but had display logic on those widgets so we could hide that extra white space when a variable is blank because they only used say 5 out of the 10 slots.

Are there any plans to add a functionality like that to reporting?
More and more clients are requesting infographics and highly visual presentations, besides the standard PowerPoint, etc. Do you have any plans to incorporate any tools that can help do this? Or offering an easier way to integrate qualtrics data into existing tools on the market such as a infogram, piktochart, canva, visme, etc.
I have worked on text analysis (Text IQ) it is good to decide topics and than automatic sentimental analysis and using these in vocalize. We have to decide topics by our-self, Is there a functionality that decide what could be the topics so that we can use and add that. Also like which word is appearing maximum times in OE comments in question (like frequency of each word, which can help in deciding topics)
Good data visualization doesn't just pretty up your data. It creates a scenario in which a user can instantaneously form an educated opinion.

If you are interested in seeing a Client Success Story of Reports created in Qualtrics implemented for an entire continent, please let me know. The reports we have created using the New Reporting Platform on Research Core, deliver one-click access to all of our field offices (franchises).

As a Business Intelligence Professional and Dashboard Developer, we found clever ways to work within the app to create a 12 Month Rolling Average Report, that are constantly being updated with details from our CX Program. Our metrics and kpi's include an NPS Score, NPS Scoring Categories, Surveys by Customer Type (B2B, B2C), Quarterly NPS Scores with historical trending, Franchise Leaders, Stacked Charts of Issues (real insights here), Data Tables of Results and Customer Contacts.

I am looking forward to this event with @JamieM

I have included an example of our report cover page.

George Issa

Rentokil North America

Hi Jamie, looking forward to seeing the changes to TextIQ, I use it very often and love anything that helps make qualitative data more impactful.

One suggestion: After making changes in TextIQ you can save or discard changes. I once spent 3 hours tagging text comments and then accidentally discarded them, because the two buttons are so close. That's my own fault, but maybe the discard button can be placed in a 'awkward' place (like top, left corner).
Hi Jamie, I am curious to know what tools you use to manage your project management teams, and where do Qualtrics products fit into your workflow?
Hi Jamie, I'm in major "workaround" mode to try to come up with a solution, knowing full well that Vocalize would likely solve it. So, if you will humor me...

We collect surveys from our non-degree programs, currently in paper format. (Also humor me there for now.) I'd like to analyze the summer survey data in Qualtrics rather than Excel. I have an intern using a Qualtrics survey I created to submit a summary of each summer class's evaluation form. Rather than have him submit 30 surveys to replicate the paper data, I was hoping to consolidate his effort and clicks by having him do one Qualtrics survey for each summer class.

I'm running into reporting trouble when it comes to my CSAT data. I want to have him enter the count for each variable on the scale with the intention that I could report out on the average score. For example: with a 5 point scale with 5 being best, if he enters that 5 people said Strongly Agree (5) and 5 people said "Agree" (4), then I want my report to show a 4.5 as the average. But, I'm using Constant Sum and don't get the overall average that way. I recoded values, looked into weighting (which you can't do w/ Constant Sum data), and I'm stuck. I can report on sum, which is okay as a way to visualize, but I'd rather get something that better resembles a CSAT score. Help? Any crazy ideas? Am I at a total loss for trying to get creative with our limited budget and resources to input data? If you could guide me to resources, at a minimum that would be helpful!

Hey @flo18948! This is a great question; however, our Q&As are less for support purposes and more for asking questions tailored to Jamie's work processes and overall career! If you contact our Support team they will be able to quickly dive deeper into this inquiry with you!
> @bstrahin said:

> I loved a feature in classic reports that let you set display logic on a page. I have several surveys that I template out to be flexible in the number of objectives and instructors that get evaluated. It would be awesome if reporting not only let us filter the data in widgets but had display logic on those widgets so we could hide that extra white space when a variable is blank because they only used say 5 out of the 10 slots.


> Are there any plans to add a functionality like that to reporting?

Hi @bstrahin! We love the flexibility of display logic, too! And this is a very timely question. In just the last couple of weeks we rolled out visualization-level display logic in Reports; you'll see it in each visualization's right-hand configuration and also in global options. Right now this logic is per-visualization and also suppresses visualizations on response counts only (like you said, this is by far the most common case for suppressing charts). In time, we'll also add suppression for groups of widgets and more customizable suppression rules.
Hi Jamie, Thank you for hosting this Q&A. I have 3 questions for you in no particular order.

1. Does Qualtrics currently have any plans to consolidate their many Research Core reporting platforms? Currently, there are at least 4 different ways of reporting (results, new reporting, classic printed reports, reporting 2.0). Are there any plans to remove the old reporting options or consolidate them all into 1 reporting platform?

2. We primarily use Results reporting because it is quickest and the online reports work better than the other options. I was wondering if Qualtrics has any plans to add any features to results reporting in the near future. It seems like most new features coming out are for New Reporting only. One feature that would be very beneficial would be adding more global report options that we can save to our default settings. For example, it would be great if we could select from all of the different Statistics Table settings within the "Report Settings" tab and have them applied to all statistics tables we place into the report.

3. Does Qualtrics have any plans to allow for the importing of StatsIQ or TextIQ graphics into the Results reports? StatsIQ has amazing potential, but we feel limited in our use of it since we primarily provide our clients with online Qualtrics results reports. Having a way to add StatsIQ graphics into Results reports would be very beneficial.
When will we be able to build more than one model for a text source? Its great to get topics, but I also want to be an emotion model and have widgets that show both models in one dashboard.
I have just started to use Text iQ and found out that a topic list is a survey-specific list. It seems to be possible to export it from a survey project and import it to another survey project. I haven't yet tried out how the import/export would work in case of maintaining a master topic list on one survey project and copying it to other survey projects (are all changes implemented in a right way i.e. new topics added, changed ones changed, and deleted ones deleted?). However, this is time consuming (and error-prone) due to manual steps required when having several survey projects needing to use the same topic list. Hence I'd like to know whether you have any plans to have some kind of global directory for topic lists and a possibility to map a suitable topic list to a survey project. When the topic list in the global directory would be maintained, the changed would be automatically (or maybe with some confirmation step still) be adopted by the survey projects using the topic list). In addition, it would be great to have some kind of industry-standard topic lists available (at least some of your competitors on this area have those).
> @skane said:

> When the parent/sub topics in TextIQ transition over to dashboards so we can create multi-layer topics in widgets and dynamically display topics into groups, etc?

@skane I'm so glad you're enjoying the new topic features in the Text iQ Preview! We love parent topics, also. We're working feverishly on getting full-platform support for these topic hierarchies (with topic-level sentiment) and hope to have it in your dashboards soon - certainly before the beta preview experience becomes available to everyone.
> @LaurenK said:

> Hey @flo18948! This is a great question; however, our Q&As are less for support purposes and more for asking questions tailored to Jamie's work processes and overall career! If you contact our Support team they will be able to quickly dive deeper into this inquiry with you!

Sorry that I misunderstood. Thanks!
> @johnsubie said:

> More and more clients are requesting infographics and highly visual presentations, besides the standard PowerPoint, etc. Do you have any plans to incorporate any tools that can help do this? Or offering an easier way to integrate qualtrics data into existing tools on the market such as a infogram, piktochart, canva, visme, etc.

@johnsubie thanks for sharing - we love knowing which tools our clients love and use to communicate data in compelling and friendly ways. We don't currently have adapters to these tools - and, yes, we do have appetite for filling infographic-type tools within Qualtrics! But even once we have those tools in Qualtrics, you always have the ability to export data and use it in any tool you wish (your data is yours!).
> @bansalpeeyush29 said:

> I have worked on text analysis (Text IQ) it is good to decide topics and than automatic sentimental analysis and using these in vocalize. We have to decide topics by our-self, Is there a functionality that decide what could be the topics so that we can use and add that. Also like which word is appearing maximum times in OE comments in question (like frequency of each word, which can help in deciding topics)

Hi @bansalpeeyush29 thanks for your interest in Text iQ. One of the features of Text iQ is recommended topics (support doc here). This feature is a part of the Advanced (upgraded) version of Text iQ and suggests topics straight out of the data.

Like you say, you could also do things like hand coding, looking at word frequencies in a wordcloud in Results, to find common words.
> @Taylor said:

> Hi Jamie, looking forward to seeing the changes to TextIQ, I use it very often and love anything that helps make qualitative data more impactful.


> One suggestion: After making changes in TextIQ you can save or discard changes. I once spent 3 hours tagging text comments and then accidentally discarded them, because the two buttons are so close. That's my own fault, but maybe the discard button can be placed in a 'awkward' place (like top, left corner).

@Taylor I'm so glad you're enjoying Text iQ and how it makes your qualitative feedback more and more actionable - and I'm so sorry you had a disastrous button click! I love that suggestion, I'm adding it to the list!
> @matt_davis said:

> Hi Jamie, I am curious to know what tools you use to manage your project management teams, and where do Qualtrics products fit into your workflow?

@matt_davis Thanks for asking about tools and processes - they're a huge part of successful product management for sure! We do use the Qualtrics product for lots of Qualtrics Product Management, including registering and tracking feature requests made by clients and employees and tons of product research from gauging market need for a feature to testing out reactions to wireframes and packaging. We manage engineering delivery and issues using Jira, and we use the Google suite for requirements and roadmap documentation.
@GeorgeIssa I couldn't agree more! At Qualtics we say, "Reporting is Storytelling" - it's where all the data come together into an actionable whole. We'll reach out soon to hear more of your story, we love seeing how clients are making business impact in Experience Management using Qualtrics!
This is a question that came from our Twitter users! Where do you get your product signaling from, and how do you decide what to build next?
> @JamieM said:

> @GeorgeIssa I couldn't agree more! At Qualtics we say, "Reporting is Storytelling" - it's where all the data come together into an actionable whole. We'll reach out soon to hear more of your story, we love seeing how clients are making business impact in Experience Management using Qualtrics!

Thank you @JamieM . I would look forward to showing-casing the solution that we have created at Rentokil North America. I have been to the Qualtrics X-Summits and attended many Q-Seminars, and one thing I have walked away with, is that GRIT and being SCRAPPY are required. I certainly would like to learn from the Product Experts at Qualtrics on what we can do in addition to what we are already doing.
> @uhrxx005 said:

> Hi Jamie, Thank you for hosting this Q&A. I have 3 questions for you in no particular order.


> 1. Does Qualtrics currently have any plans to consolidate their many Research Core reporting platforms? Currently, there are at least 4 different ways of reporting (results, new reporting, classic printed reports, reporting 2.0). Are there any plans to remove the old reporting options or consolidate them all into 1 reporting platform?


> 2. We primarily use Results reporting because it is quickest and the online reports work better than the other options. I was wondering if Qualtrics has any plans to add any features to results reporting in the near future. It seems like most new features coming out are for New Reporting only. One feature that would be very beneficial would be adding more global report options that we can save to our default settings. For example, it would be great if we could select from all of the different Statistics Table settings within the "Report Settings" tab and have them applied to all statistics tables we place into the report.


> 3. Does Qualtrics have any plans to allow for the importing of StatsIQ or TextIQ graphics into the Results reports? StatsIQ has amazing potential, but we feel limited in our use of it since we primarily provide our clients with online Qualtrics results reports. Having a way to add StatsIQ graphics into Results reports would be very beneficial.

Hi, @uhrxx005, thanks for the questions! We love folks like you who know so much about all of the Qualtrics reporting options.

On 1 (whether we have plans to consolidate the many Research Core reporting platforms), the answer is yes. The majority of new development is invested in New Reports, and this platform is the future of Qualtrics Reports. We still have some clients reliant on the legacy Reporting Beta and Reporting 2.0 products, so we're working hard to meet their use cases so they can confidently transition to the New Reports.

For 2, I'm glad that you find Results fast and easy to work with - that's exactly the purpose it was created for (no configuration required, quick and easy reporting). We are adding new features to Results Reports, but like you said we put the majority of our efforts in to New Reports. I love your idea of having stats table settings as a global option, though - if that would make a big difference to you, then please let your Customer Success Manager know so they can enter a feature request for you and it will automatically be tied back to your account. Thanks for letting us know how we can save you more time!

On 3, we love that idea, too. Are there particular charts that you find helpful in Stats iQ that you'd like to embed into Reports? Or is it more that you'd like to publish an analysis card completed in Stats iQ within a Report?
> @Leah_Young said:

> When will we be able to build more than one model for a text source? Its great to get topics, but I also want to be an emotion model and have widgets that show both models in one dashboard.

Hi @Leah_Young - thanks for digging in to Text iQ! We currently offer a few models within Text iQ, including current topics, recommended topics, sentiment, and topic-level sentiment (currently in the Preview experience). We're always looking for new models to include and are evaluating the usefulness of several different ideas. Can you tell me more about how you'd use an emotion model in your Experience Management?
> @MarjaLeena said:

> I have just started to use Text iQ and found out that a topic list is a survey-specific list. It seems to be possible to export it from a survey project and import it to another survey project. I haven't yet tried out how the import/export would work in case of maintaining a master topic list on one survey project and copying it to other survey projects (are all changes implemented in a right way i.e. new topics added, changed ones changed, and deleted ones deleted?). However, this is time consuming (and error-prone) due to manual steps required when having several survey projects needing to use the same topic list. Hence I'd like to know whether you have any plans to have some kind of global directory for topic lists and a possibility to map a suitable topic list to a survey project. When the topic list in the global directory would be maintained, the changed would be automatically (or maybe with some confirmation step still) be adopted by the survey projects using the topic list). In addition, it would be great to have some kind of industry-standard topic lists available (at least some of your competitors on this area have those).

Thanks for letting us know how Text iQ can serve you better @MarjaLeena!

We find that the majority of Text iQ clients want to use another datasource's topic model as a starting place for analyzing a new question or field, but don't want to be constrained by one set of topics rigidly applied to all sources. So, we've built topic export/import into the New Text iQ Preview experience to allow users to quickly start analyzing a new question or field using the topics they set up for a different field. All imported topics are added as staged changes, so you can accept, modify, or delete individual imported topics as desired before applying the changes.

I agree that if this feature is well-used and provides good value, we may extend it to include additional library-based topics. The sky's the limit!

Lastly, I'm glad you asked about industry-standard topic lists to use as starting points - we have several of these industry topic sets in testing right now and look forward to seeing them save you time and effort in the future!

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