Contact list triggers not "firing" - anyone else having this issue? | XM Community
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I've used them. I've loved them. I've also used URLs with passing data on them. But now neither seem to be working properly.

My URL is failing (may be a separate issue) - still investigating why.

But the contact list trigger not sending data into the contact list has me baffled! I ensured that a valid email address is being passed in. So, I'm lost as to why it's not populating the contact list on completion (yes, I made sure the form was completed). Any ideas? Anyone else experiencing problems?
Can you make sure, whatever you are piping for contact list trigger is capturing correct value. By writting same piping syntax in descriptive text you can check. Not face any such issue though.
Based on your explanation it should have worked... however, a couple of things to check

1. Is there any condition applied for contact list trigger? If yes, then are you meeting the condition.

2. Is there any de-duplication?

If both the above points are taken care of and still it's not working then you can try adding the contact through "Web service"

and see if its getting added successfully or not...If it's not then you will have to reach out the Qualtrics support team.
So, no conditions.

no duplication (won't work on first input)

I've opened a case/ticket...but will take a look at the web service suggestion...

hello @mklubeck if you are pulling embedded data field from contact list by using option ADD FROM CONTACT then make sure that email as an embedded data field is not included in it and if something other than this than plz share screenshot that will help us to understand better.
Survey 1: I ask for first name, last name, and email address. I then send survey 2 to the address provided...and include on that link the information. This works. It opens Survey 2 and has the personal information passed in. On completing Survey 2, I want it to update a Contact List Trigger. Adding a new "row"/"Record", using the ResponseID as the ExternalDataReference. (I've done this before without a problem). But in this particular survey, it won't update the Contact List Trigger... I'm working with Support, but wondered if anyone else was experiencing the same anomaly...
Turns out it was an unknown error that eventually went away? Never found out the cause...or how to fix...but it's no longer failing.

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