link for survey | XM Community
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Hi all,

In a message I want to copy and paste the think to my survey. where would i find this web address?
Go to distribution and click on anonymous link it will generate the anonymous link for your survey.
hi @tallard ,

Go to Distributions->Web

Below image will help you understand better:


Click on "Use Anonymous link" to generate link for your survey.
I hope you are aware that "anonymous link" will not capture the respondent personal data unless you are asking it in your survey

It will be good to take a look at other distribution channel and then decide which one is best suited for your use case.

is there any way to get an anonymous link form the XM Module? E.g. from an Engagement Project?

Hi Felix! You may want to submit your own question in this case in the "How to Use Employee Engagement" section. You're likely to get an answer a lot quicker that way!

ChristianB Thanks for the hint, I will do so!

Hi All,
I have gone through the anonymous link to fetch survey live link but I got with "http://" but I want with "https://" abut always link is appearing with "http://".

Is that possible to get it with "https://" as we are capturing with "https://". Please help me out here.

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