Pipe multiple choice selections separately into other questions | XM Community
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So, I want for respondents to choose up to 2 choices of a list of 15. For each of these choices, I want to have a question of how much they like it.

Such as:

1. Choose 2 below:

* 1

* 2

* 3

* ...

* 15

3. How much do you like __(piped choice, the first chosen in descending order or something)_____?

4. (IF 2 are chosen) How much do you like __(piped second choice, the second chosen in descending order or something)___?

Could anyone help?

hello @GabrielRibeiro ,

You can use Rank and order question in the survey. By using embedded data you store top two rank in two different embedded variable and then piped the value in your questions.
Hello @GabrielRibeiro ,

You can use loop and merge for such questions

Nevermind...I like @Shashi's idea better.
@PraDeepKotian_Ugam thanks! I thought about that but I don't want to have respondents have to order all 15 choices. Is there any other way?
@Shashi thanks for the idea! However, how do you properly pipe the options into the other questions?
> @GabrielRibeiro said:

> @Shashi thanks for the idea! However, how do you properly pipe the options into the other questions?

Please Follow this page
@Shashi thank you so much! In another (similar note), I'm trying to pipe these two answers into a table looking roughly like this one. Do you know any way how without creating multiple logics?

Also, @Shashi, when I Loop & Merge, is there any way for it to recognize the text in a choice such as "Other"?
> @GabrielRibeiro said:

> Also, @Shashi, when I Loop & Merge, is there any way for it to recognize the text in a choice such as "Other"?

Yes, in "select choice" select "Selected choices-Entered text"
Thanks @Shashi!
After respondents pick 3 items from the list, I want to show them their choices in the same page and ask them to rank the choices.

* 1

* 2

* 3

* ...

* 15

Selects e.g. 5, 9, and 11

In the next page I want to ask them to rank the choices based on their preferences.




Piping the choices using loop and merge does not work for me, since it shows each choice in another page.

Any suggestions?
> @Easa said:

> After respondents pick 3 items from the list, I want to show them their choices in the same page and ask them to rank the choices.


> * 1

> * 2

> * 3

> * ...

> * 15


> Selects e.g. 5, 9, and 11


> In the next page I want to ask them to rank the choices based on their preferences.


> 5

> 9

> 11


> Piping the choices using loop and merge does not work for me, since it shows each choice in another page.


> Any suggestions?


I found the solution using Carry Forward Items.

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