Inline survey question. Need stars instead of boxes. | XM Community
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I have a one question survey that uses the slider question with stars. According to Qualtrics documentation and a call to tech support, there are only 2 question types that can be used as an inline question and 'slider' is not one of them.

I was hoping someone has create a work around solution for this situation and would be able to share it. I can do HTML but I do not do javascript.
@"sheri.lowry" ,

You can achieve same thing using multiple choice options in single answer in horizontal pattern.

And use recode values to get star points.

star symbol("★")


Inline questions preview:

You can also try using a different color star for different rating OR you can just put a number before each same size star to know the star rating
@PraDeepKotian_Ugam ,

Thank you for the info above (I work with Sheri). I'm trying to implement what you suggested, however I am unable to get the stars to show up in the email invite, Hoping you may have some advice

I am having the same issue. I'd like to include a star images in side email template. Can Qualtrics come up with some sort of automated solution for these custom image codes, just you have all these different types of questions? It is getting widely popular to implement various smiley faces (emoji), stars, thumbs up/down for similar types of images as a survey selections. Qualtrics please look into this and create some solutions on your end. It is not fun to mess with html codes if you have no experience with it. Thank you!

Hi NT2020, if you haven't already, please consider posting this functionality as a Product Idea on Community! :)

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