Issue with survey loading within an iFrame | XM Community
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We have a survey embedded into an iFrame which starting today is having issues loading. It continuously shows the spinning loading icon where the survey should appear. We haven't had issue with this until today. Does anyone know what might be causing this and how to fix the issue?

Hello @NickS86 ,

Please open the console of browser and see is there any errors. It could be a CROSS ORIGIN (CORS) issue.
> @Shashi said:

> Hello @NickS86 ,


> Please open the console of browser and see is there any errors. It could be a CROSS ORIGIN (CORS) issue.

Is there any possibility that using personalized urls would slow the loading process?
Hi @NickS86

You can check if Personalized urls are slowing by using that url to get to that survey if it is slowing the whole thing and

What changes (if any) did you make after which it started taking time ?

And if you didn't do any changes it might just be some ISP problem and as @Shashi suggested Console(ctrl+shift+I on windows for chrome) can help you pinpointing the Error(s) .
Can you please check in different browsers and different device to help in channelizing the issue?

And, is it possible to share a screen-shot of how you are incorporating the survey URL in iFrame?
Thank you all for your responses! I have taken this information to my Development Team to look into and pull a screenshot of how they have incorporated the URLs into the iframe. I will keep everyone posted as to their response.

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