Image not showing on mobile version | XM Community
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We launched our survey today and received communication from a participant that the photo they are supposed to be judging is not showing up. I took the survey myself and sure enough, the question with the photo was completely skipped over. This only happened in the mobile version. Any thoughts or suggestions for how to fix this? Thank you!
Is it possible to share the survey link or qsf with us?

You can also check there is "No display logic, No Skip logic, No Branch logic (from survey flow)" on it.
Thank you for responding! I figured out my error. I had changed the data to exclude to conditions for my experimental design. While the data was deleted, the randomizer still held both conditions as possibilities. Therefore, when I checked the experiment from my phone, I received different results than my desktop. Once I deleted the conditions from the randomizer, the problem was fixed!
Hey @eawhalen ,

This is really a great example of debugging and finding quick fix. Great Job!!!
Thank you!

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