Can I create a training project on Qualtrics? | XM Community
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Hi Qualtrics community,

So I'm trying to create a training questionnaire, to assess 50 competencies. The objective is for each participants to have a personal portal, where they can access a recap of their personal results, sorted by competency, as well as see their results compared, on an interactive interface. Participants would then be recommended content (like external articles) sorted by competencies.

I'm trying the Research Core survey but it appears that it's not possible to create that personal portal for each participant (the survey is accessed via a link and results are shared by reports. It also seems that participants can't access the survey anymore once completed). I'm wondering if an Adhoc Survey from the EX licence could be a fit, any insight on this?

Thanks! 🙂
I've done something similar in Research Core and utilized a customized end of survey message and follow-up email to deliver the results/scoring. You can also create personalized invites for each participant and feed in some embedded data on the assessment that could be displayed in the results reports.
I have done the same thing as @s_obrien for a pre-post assessment for an academic course. Personalized results are sent via trigger email - students can retake the survey because it is an anonymous link without authentication where they have to provide name/email within the survey to receive credit and get their results. If you are needing them to pass a training assessment I'm not sure why you would want them to be able to access it again unless you get X number of chances to pass. You could always send them a retake link in the trigger email that allows them to try again:
Same survey can be made active to same respondent using retake link.

Also You can use authonticator, where each student can login only by using there student ID .

You can use trigger emails to send there score on email.
Thank you all for your answers, really helps!

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