Conjoints, math operations in Hebrew, & more! | XM Community
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THE NEW CONJOINTS ARE HERE! Finally, choice-based conjoints are here for your product research needs! This new project type is the first in our Product Experience line. It's extremely user friendly, and even builds reports for you to save time analyzing data. We've crafted six introductory pages on conjoints, which you can start reading here!

So how would I explain conjoint analysis in English? Imagine you're trying to figure out what benefits package to offer employees next year. You don't know if you should increase paid time off, adjust that deductible, or just scrap dental altogether and buy everybody nice electric toothbrushes. You're on a tight budget, and trade-offs have to be made, so a conjoint analysis can help you decide whether the increased time off or the lower deductible are more important to your employees. Or if maybe nobody cares about either of those things, so long as they can get some free braces. And I'm talking the good, invisible stuff, not the wiry nonsense that stabs you in the gum.


Also, the syntax for Math Operations conducted in right-to-left languages like Hebrew, Japanese, and Arabic has been fixed! Replace the outermost e with # and your equations will no longer auto-correct to incoherent nonsense.

Finally, you know that Send Email button on tickets? Did you know you could set the default email for tickets as they're generated? And that this field can auto-populate with the email address of the customer who reached out? Yeah, it's pretty cool.

Very interesting.

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